колерия фото
Coleria: description, varieties, planting, care and reproduction
Kohleria is an example of a tropical plant, not yet very familiar to domestic florists.
A vegetable garden on a windowsill
Gesneria: popular species, cultivation and care
Real amateur florists often grow quite exotic plants in room conditions.
A vegetable garden on a windowsill
Achimenes: cultivation, care and reproduction
Small lush bushes with variegated flowers on the background of dark green leaves, which
A vegetable garden on a windowsill
Soil for gloxinias: basic requirements, preparation
Among flowering room flowers, gloxinia takes the leading position, thanks to the variety
A vegetable garden on a windowsill
почему не цветет глоксиния
Gloxinia: why the flower does not bloom
Gloxinia (or synningia) is one of the most beautiful and favorite plants grown at home.
A vegetable garden on a windowsill
ахименес сорта и виды
Variety of species and varieties of indoor Achimenes
Achimenez (lat. Achiménes) is widely recognized for its lush and abundant flowering.
A vegetable garden on a windowsill
сорта глоксиний
What varieties of gloxinias are there
Gloxinias varieties have been attracting gardeners for a long time. The plant is considered
A vegetable garden on a windowsill
пересадка глоксинии
Correctly transplanting a gloxinia
Gloxinia is a popular light-loving and very beautiful indoor plant. It is an herbaceous
A vegetable garden on a windowsill
глоксиния махровая
Care and cultivation of terry gloxinia
A gorgeous plant that will delight you with its extraordinary blooms is the gloxinia terry (or synningia).
A vegetable garden on a windowsill
What to do after a gloxinia blooms
A very beautiful decorative flower – gloxinia. It has already won the hearts of
A vegetable garden on a windowsill
What diseases are susceptible to gloxinia
Gloxinia is an extremely delicate plant that needs careful and constant care.
A vegetable garden on a windowsill
ахименес уход
Rules of Achimenes cultivation and care
Many lovers of houseplants give a smart mood to their homes with the help of growing Achimenes.
A vegetable garden on a windowsill