Arundinaria: care of the plant at home
Arundinaria is a perennial from Southeast Asia, a member of the Grainaceae family.
A vegetable garden on a windowsill
Bromeliads: species, care and reproduction
More and more often on the windowsills of city apartments you can see not only the usual
A vegetable garden on a windowsill
Acanthostachis: peculiarities of cultivation and care
Acanthostachis has common exterior features with cereals. It is for its extravagant appearance
A vegetable garden on a windowsill
Bilbergia: cultivation, care and reproduction
Bilbergia is an ideal plant for novice florists: it quickly forgives small mistakes in
A vegetable garden on a windowsill
Description and care of gusmania in the home
Blossoming of the indoor gusmania falls in the autumn-winter period, especially poor for
A vegetable garden on a windowsill