Acanthocalycium: species, planting, care and reproduction

Acanthocalycium is considered one of the most beautiful flowering cacti in the world, and yet it is quite easy to grow. However, in order to make the buds appear regularly and enjoy the eye for a long time, it is important to follow some recommendations.


Acanthocalycium belongs to the cactus family. The genus name comes from the two Greek words “Acantha” (thorn) and “calyx” (calyx), reflecting the main distinguishing feature of these plants – their sepals are covered with thorns. In their natural environment, these succulents grow on the gentle mountain meadows of Argentina up to 1000 m above sea level.

Acanthocalycium initially has a spherical stem shape, but it tends to elongate over time and become slightly cylindrical. It can reach up to 60 cm in height and up to 15 cm in diameter. The most common colors are green, dark blue, gray and powdery gray.

Acanthocalycium: species, planting, care and reproductionRibs are slightly wavy, well pronounced. There are from 9 to 20 of them. Areoles are located at the tops of tubercles and have 5-10 radial and 1-4 central needles. In most varieties their length is about the same and ranges from 0.5 to 3 cm. The spines are stiff and resilient, and can be straight or curved. They can be gray, white, yellow, red, brown or black.

Flowering is long – lasting from May to September. A large number of medium-sized (up to 5 cm in diameter) funnel-shaped buds form a bright wreath at the very top of the stem. The petals can vary in shade from white or slightly yellowish to light lilac and soft purple. The perianths are always lemon yellow.

In fall, spherical dark green fruits about 2 cm in diameter appear in place of buds. They contain large black or brown seeds.

Popular Varieties

There are a total of 12 varieties of Acanthocalycium, but not all of them are universally recognized. The varieties shown below are particularly popular.

Acanthocalycium: species, planting, care and reproduction

Yellowflower (Thionanthum)

A compact cactus 12-15 cm high and up to 10 cm in diameter, dark grayish-green in color. Ribs 14, they are small, knobby and slightly wavy. Areoles are tufted yellow-brown, can be round or oval.

Each contains 1 to 4 central spines up to 1.5 cm long and about 10 elongated side needles with slightly curved tips. Their color can vary from whitish-gray to brown. It usually changes as the plant ages. The buds are yellow bell-shaped and can reach a diameter of 5 cm.

Acanthocalycium: species, planting, care and reproduction

Klimpelia (Klimpelianum)

A succulent with a rounded, slightly flattened, dark green stem that has 19 narrow tubercle-shaped ribs and oval areoles, colored yellowish-brown. Radial spines are 6-8, central spines 2-3. Buds are small, funnel-shaped, 3-4 cm in diameter. They may be white or pinkish-purple.

Acanthocalycium: species, planting, care and reproduction

Peitscherianum (Peitscherianum)

The stem of this acanthocalyticum is a flattened, spherical, gray-green color. It grows up to 8 cm in height and 10 cm in diameter. It has 17 deep (up to 1 cm) ribs. Radial needles can be from 7 to 9 pieces, the central one is always one. Flowers are large – up to 6 cm long, the petals are soft pink.

Acanthocalycium: species, planting, care and reproduction

Spiny-flowered (Spiniflorum)

A globular or short-cylindrical succulent which can reach a height of 60 cm and a diameter of up to 15 cm. The stem is dark green with pronounced ribs up to 1.5 cm thick, up to 20 in number. The spikes are reddish-golden, and the flowers are pink.

Acanthocalycium: species, planting, care and reproduction


A spherical green cactus up to 8 cm in diameter, with 17 ribs. Radial needles are 9, they grow to 1.8 cm; the central needle is one, up to 2.2 cm long. Buds of different colors are found, most often the petals are yellow or red-orange.

Acanthocalycium: species, planting, care and reproduction

Purple (Violaceum)

The stem is short-cylindrical, about 20 cm high and 13 cm in diameter, with 15 deep (up to 1.8 cm) ribs. Lateral spines are brownish-yellow, there are 10 to 12 of them. The central spines are 4, they are yellow. The buds are large and can be up to 7.5 cm long, colored pale lilac.

Planting and care

Acanthocalycium is easy to grow at home, so its purchase is recommended not only for experienced florists, but also for beginners.

First steps after purchase

After buying a cactus, it should be placed in quarantine for 2 weeks. This is necessary to exclude the possibility of infecting the other plants with diseases or pests, which the flower may have been infected with in the store.

It is also worth determining the need for transplanting. The decision should be made based on the size of the container in which the succulent is located. The main thing is that the container should not be too cramped, or, on the contrary, spacious, otherwise you can not wait for flowering.

Planting and transplanting

Acanthocalycium needs a nutritious and well-drained substrate, and the acidity of the soil should be between 6.1 and 7.8 рН. Earth mixture can be prepared from sod and leaf soil, river sand, charcoal and any coarse material (pebbles, brick crumbs, pumice, etc.) taken in a ratio of 2:2:1,5:0,5:0,5.

Acanthocalycium: species, planting, care and reproduction

Repotting the plant is recommended infrequently – about once every 2 years, in the spring. It should be done very carefully – acanthocalycium does not tolerate the procedure well. It is better to use the method of transplanting.

The new container should not be much larger than the previous one – the cactus flowers more abundantly with a small amount of soil. At the bottom of the pot, a drainage layer is mandatory. After transplanting, the plant should not be watered until it is properly rooted.

Location and light

Succulent is very light-loving, so it can safely be placed on the southern windowsills. Moreover, direct sunlight is not afraid of him, on the contrary, they help the plant to maintain a compact size and bloom more abundantly. The main thing is to take care of good ventilation.


Optimal temperature for acanthocalycium:

  • During warm periods 24-26 degrees Celsius;
  • During the cold season 10-12°C.

In summer, the figure should not exceed 27 ° C, otherwise, the plant will begin to elongate, change its appearance and will bloom poorly. In winter, the temperature should not be allowed below 6 ° C – it may die.

Acanthocalycium: species, planting, care and reproduction

Watering and moisturizing

From the first days of spring until fall, water abundantly and as the soil dries out. The exception is cloudy and rainy days, when the procedure should be abandoned altogether. In other cases, it is desirable to carry it out in the evening. In winter, it is recommended to keep the substrate almost dry – it is enough to irrigate the plant once a month.


Watering should be done with rainwater or water slightly acidified with acetic acid.

Acanthocalycium does not have any special requirements for humidity. However, on hot days it should be sprinkled. The best time to do the procedure is in the morning, while the sun is not yet active, or in the evening, to provoke the appearance of dew.

Acanthocalycium: species, planting, care and reproduction


From May to August, the succulent needs additional nutrients. Liquid cactus fertilizer is recommended for fertilization. They should be applied once every 2 weeks.


Acanthocalycium can be propagated by seeds and offshoots that appear at the trunk.


Seeds should be sown in March. Prepare a substrate consisting of charcoal, river sand and leaf soil (1.2:1:1).

  1. Soak the seeds in warm water.
  2. Sow them.
  3. Keep in greenhouse conditions at a temperature of 22-26°C.
  4. Water as the soil dries up.
  5. Air out regularly.


For germination of seeds it is recommended to use a mini greenhouse with bottom heating.


Propagation by grafts is a simpler method than the previous one. The daughter plants appear at the base of the stem, they are easily separated and quickly rooted. The procedure should be carried out in the spring, so that the plant has time to take root by winter. Light substrate should be used for planting.

Acanthocalycium: species, planting, care and reproduction

Diseases and pests of Acanthocalycium

If conditions are not maintained properly, the succulent’s immunity can be reduced and it becomes the most vulnerable to pest and disease infestation.

Diseases and pests Signs of infestation Methods of treatment
Mealybug grayish-white, cotton-wool-like excretions in the folds of the stem or on the prickles If the insects are small, remove them manually with a cotton swab soaked in alcohol; if the colony is large – give the cactus a shower and then treat with insecticide
Scabies Yellow or reddish-brown spots on the stem
Thrips Pale yellow to colorless spots that gradually merge into one
Spider mites Appearance of thin spider webs and brown spots on the stem Treat with insecticides and increase the humidity
Root rot Wilt, softening, deformation of the stem Cut off damaged parts, dry out and root in fresh substrate or replace with a new plant

Another common problem in growing acanthocalyticum is the lack of flowering. This happens when:

  • Failure to maintain temperature during the winter;
  • Pots that are too big;
  • lack of light.

A small spherical cactus can become a real decoration of the collection of any florist. Its buds are highly decorative and remain on the plant for a long time. Therefore, the flower looks great as a single accent, as well as in compositions.

A vegetable garden on a windowsill
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