In the days of our grandmothers and great-grandmothers, fuchsia was very popular – a flower with beautiful velvet buds was found in almost every home. And then, because of the ideology conducted in the country, it was declared an attribute of bourgeois life. Today, this beautiful plant again wins the hearts of Russian flower growers and takes its deserved place in their collections.
Fuchsia is a member of the Cypress family. In the natural environment it can be found in Central or South America, where it is presented in the form of small shrubs and trees. In room conditions, the flower is grown as an ampelous plant, a shrub or a stumpy tree, not more than 70 cm in height.
Depending on the species, the foliage may be arranged in a supronate or grow in whorls. The leaves are oval, lanceolate and ovate with a solid or serrated edge. They are usually light to dark green.
Fuchsia flowers begin in spring and end in late fall, usually between May and November. At this time, original drooping buds are formed, resembling little ballerinas: green tiny head, red or white blouse, bright tutu skirt, from under which thin legs in yellow shoes can be seen.
Because of its color and shape in nature, the fuchsia is completely unattractive to bees. It is pollinated by hummingbirds. This is due to a special sticky glue – viscinus, which is released by pollen and sticks to the beak of the tiny birds.
If well cared for at home, the fuchsia can produce succulent fruits. They are edible and have a sweet taste.
Popular species
The species diversity of the flower has been the basis for the formation of hundreds of varieties and hybrids. Today there are about 8,000 of them. Those that are applicable in indoor floriculture are divided into three groups:
- bushy – have smooth, upward-stretching shoots;
- ampelic – stems are thin and drooping;
- ampel-shrub – the bush is shaped by the support.
Among bush and ampel-shrub forms, varieties are the most popular:
- Armbro Campbell – the owner of large, mahreous, delicate pink buds.
- Alisson Bell is a fuchsia with purple-red semi-maxillary flowers.
- Anabel is distinguished by its snow-white, velvety petals.
- Henriette Ernst has light lilac-colored buds.
- Talia is a bright orange fuchsia variety.
For lovers of ampelic plants, varieties whose shoots curl beautifully will do:
- Holliese Beauty – can be recognized by its velvety, pinkish-colored flowers.
- Prince of Peace – fuchsia with white sepals and a red skirt.
- Blue Angel is the owner of bright lilac-purple buds.
- Imperial Crown – flowers with scarlet petals gathered in brushes.
Fuchsias, depending on the variety, bloom at different times of the year. So you can choose plants so that you can enjoy bright buds in all seasons.
Planting and care
Taking care of a fuchsia will not require much time or effort. The main thing is to provide it with enough light, do not forget to water and create conditions for resting during the resting period.
Planting and transplanting
Fuchsias have no special requirements for soil. Adult plants can be planted in any loose neutral substrate. Optimally, it will be a mixture:
- Soil: leafy soil, peat and sand (3:2:1);
- Sod soil, peat, humus and compost (2:1:1:1).
To improve flowering, it is recommended to add bone or hornmeal to the soil – 1 tablespoon per 1 liter of mixture.
Repot fuchsia as necessary – when the pot becomes too small. This can be determined by the roots, which will begin to emerge from the drainage holes. This should be done in early spring.
Before proceeding to transplanting, the bush should be trimmed – the old stems should be shortened by at least a third, and the roots should be trimmed a little. The exceptions are ampelic forms of fuchsias – they should not be pruned beforehand, otherwise they will lose their decorativeness.
Drainage layer at the bottom of the pot is mandatory, it should occupy about 1/5 of the total volume. After planting, the plant should be watered, abundantly sprayed and moved to a place with bright diffused light.
Place the pot with fuchsia better on the western or eastern windows – the plant likes bright but diffused light. When growing it on a southern window sill, you should think about protecting the leaves from direct sunlight, so that they do not get burned.
If you leave the plant on the northern window – it will not get enough light, it will stretch and will not be able to bloom abundantly. Also, fuchsia does not like to change places – if you move it, it may drop its leaves and stop growing.
Throughout the growing season, it is recommended to keep the fuchsia at a temperature of 18-24°C. In winter, this should be reduced to 5-10°C, otherwise the bush will lose its leaves and the stems will elongate.
The flower needs regular ventilation, but does not tolerate drafts – they can lead to its death. In the warm season, the fuchsia should be taken to the balcony. At the same time, it should be protected from the sun and precipitation.
In spring and summer, the flower should be sprayed twice a day – morning and evening. To do this, it is recommended to use warm soft water. In autumn, the frequency of the procedure is reduced to 1 time in 2-3 days, and in winter, stop it altogether.
From the beginning of March to the end of September, the bush should be watered as the top layer of the soil mixture dries out. From the first days of October, watering should be gradually reduced, so that by the end of the month it becomes sparse and sparse. In winter the plant practically does not need water, so it is recommended to water infrequently.
Pruning and pruning are carried out throughout the growing season. Once the young shoots have 3 pairs of leaf plates, they should be pruned. The old bare shoots should be removed, as they are no longer suitable for the formation of buds.
To give the fuchsia the appearance of a tree, it is necessary to tie one of the vertical stems to a support. At the same time, the side shoots should be removed until the main trunk reaches the desired height. Then it is necessary to cut off the top of the central shoot to give impetus to the formation of side stems – they will later make up the crown.
Pruning and pruning should be regular and continue until the beginning of flowering. This will help to achieve a beautiful shape.
Fertilizing should be done from April to September twice a month. For this purpose, it is better to use a complex mineral fertilizer for flowering plants. It is important to clearly observe the dosage: if the amount of useful substances is insufficient, the flowers will be few, if too much – they will form weak.
Dormancy period
Fuchsia is a seasonal plant. Therefore, after active growth and flowering, it needs rest during the winter. At this time, the bush stops in development, and it is better to keep it in the cool, rarely and sparingly watered, do not make fertilizers. The dormancy period lasts until the end of January.
Possible problems
There are several major problems faced by fuchsia owners.
The problem | Cause |
Short blooming period | The shrub was kept warm during the winter and not watered moderately |
plant did not get enough light in spring and summer | |
Not enough water and fertiliser was applied during growth | |
Leaves dropping. | Too much light in winter, need to reposition and pinch the buds that form |
Watering too little, too little humidity, too high temperatures. | |
Lack of light | |
Leaf spots on the leaves | Excessive watering during the winter. |
Bud drop | Move the flower to a new location, turn the pot, draught |
Pest insects | Poor keeping conditions |
Fuchsia can be propagated generatively – by seeds, vegetatively – by cuttings or leaves.
Propagated by seeds
This method is used exclusively for breeding, because it is the most difficult. You should start with obtaining viable material. It is necessary to make sure that the mother plant does not self-pollinate.
- When the bud blossoms out – remove the anthers.
- Carry out artificial pollination – on the stigma of the pistil apply pollen of the father plant. As parents, it is better to use representatives of species that differ in color and shape of flowers.
- Isolate – put a cloth or paper bag on the plant.
After a few weeks, the fruit should mature. It remains to extract the seeds, dry them for a few days, and sow them on the surface of a moist soil mixture (no need to deepen).
The container should be covered with glass or film and leave in a bright place. The first shoots should sprout in 1.5-2 weeks. After 1.5 months, the sprouts should be pickled, and after another 2 – transplanted into separate pots.
Propagation by cuttings is better carried out simultaneously with pruning. To do this, prepare the tops of shoots 5-7 cm long, plant them in wet sand or put them in a container with water. In about 20-30 days the first roots should appear. Then the cuttings can be planted in small pots with a mixture of sand, humus, sod and leaf soil in equal proportions. It is recommended to plant several cuttings in one container – the bushes will be thicker and more spectacular.
By leaf
It is necessary to cut off a large leaf with a petiole and part of the stem, on which there is an axillary bud. To root it, prepare a substrate of sphagnum, vermiculite and peat (2:3:1), stick the leaf in the soil and cover with a jar. The young plant should be watered as the top of the soil dries out and ventilated regularly.
For the unusual shape of flowers and the brightness of the petals, fuchsia is called “Chinese Lantern”, “Ballerina” and even “Gypsy earrings”. This tropical beauty blooms for a long time, grows quickly and does not require much attention. Therefore, even a novice florist will be able to keep it, the main thing is to follow the simple rules.
Great post! I learned a lot about fuchsia varieties, cultivation and care. It was very informative and gave me some ideas on how to improve my own garden. Thanks for the helpful information!