Every florist should know everything about how and how many days the hibiscus blooms in different conditions. The fact is that this question worries many beginners and experienced connoisseurs of home flora.
This is a tropical plant. He does not always live well in our conditions. Of course, with good care the flower should bloom and please the eye of the owner, but something – something goes wrong, and hibiscus refuses to produce flowers.
Characteristics and features of hibiscus
This plant has a more familiar name for the average man – Chinese rose. A few decades ago it was a permanent “resident” of the apartments. It was a huge bush or tree and was placed in large wooden tubs. Many of the older generation remembers how difficult it was to move it and find it all new and comfortable place.
Hibiscus is a plant in the vast Malva family and has over 200 species. There are wild, cultivated and indoor hibiscuses. They come in many different forms: shrubs, trees and even grasses. These beautiful plants are native to the tropics and subtropics of Asia and Africa.
The flowers are also well known in Hawaii. There it is the national flower. Its name means – “flower for beautiful ladies”. Therefore, for girls and women of the sea islands, hibiscus flowers serve as an elegant decoration for the hair.
The more common species of hibiscus are evergreen or deciduous specimens. They reach a height of 2-3 meters and have a bare trunk with fluted leaves of a bright green color. The range of colors today is very extensive, and the size of the flower itself varies from 5 to 30 cm in diameter. It also has a seedbox, which opens in the shape of a star and holds a large number of seeds.
The beauty of the flowers of this representative of the flora is fascinating and always want the moment of flowering to last as long as possible. It is worth to understand how and when the hibiscus blooms.
Growing and caring for indoor hibiscus
For abundant flowering and growth of the plant you need to know to follow some simple rules:
- keeping conditions;
- Planting and soil;
- pruning and pruning;
- watering;
- Feeding and pest control.
Location and conditions
The main criterion for abundant bud formation in hibiscus is the location and conditions in which the plant is kept. The time to set buds on flower stalks is early spring, when it is still cool. At the time of the dormancy period the bush is taken out to a darkened room in which the temperature is constantly kept between plus 14 and 16 degrees Celsius above zero. The temperature must be monitored carefully. If the thermometer reads 10 degrees Celsius, the hibiscus can simply drop its leaves.
In summer the flower needs bright but diffused light. It needs a full-value daylight and at least 5 hours of sunshine. Direct rays can burn the leaves and injure it. It grows best on southeast and southwest windows. Windows on the north side are categorically unsuitable for it.
Planting and transplanting
Grows and develops this plant very quickly and does not require special conditions. But if you transplant the flower into a more spacious vase or tub, all the effort will go to fill the root system of the ground ball. It will please with lush green foliage, but you will have to wait a long time for flowers.
The fact that hibiscus blooms when it is cramped in its place and cori have filled all the space in the pot. What do you need to do?
It’s trivial and simple: you need to transplant the bush into a smaller container, cutting off the old brown roots. You can leave the top part of the root open, that is, not tightly covered with soil. At the bottom of the vase poured a good layer of drainage material and nutrient soil mixture specifically for hibiscus. Add one part clay turf and some charcoal crumb to the soil. This provides the perfect balance for the plant.
Pruning and pruning
The procedure for shaping the bush is quite interesting. The Chinese rose itself is very free-spirited and can proliferate and look “uncoordinated” because of this. To prevent this from happening, pruning is done after flowering, closer to the dormancy period.
If this procedure is done earlier, the shoots that are ready to form flowers can also be trimmed. Sick, dried out and damaged branches should also be removed during the procedure. There is no need to be afraid to thin out the flower too much. It will resume its crown very quickly and grow more lush.
Timely watering and moisture is very important for this tropical plant. It is advisable to water the hibiscus in the morning hours. This is done so that the soil in the pot as properly dried by evening. The fact is that the roots of the bush do not know how to accumulate water and you have to water it more often than other flowers.
Prolonged drought affects its health instantly: the leaves droop, become lifeless and then fall off and of course the bush refuses to bloom. Watch the humidity of the ground in the hibiscus must be carefully. Especially in hot weather and when the temperature indoors is high.
On the other hand, strong watering and the accumulation of excess moisture also negatively affects the Chinese rose. Pathogenic bacteria and fungi form in the vase, which lead to rotting of the roots and death of the plant. During the winter, watering should be reduced to a minimum.
Spraying and humidifying the air is very much liked by the flower, and it actively responds to it with a riot of greenery.
Pamper the indoor hibiscus often and on both sides of the leaves. And you can humidify the air with a container of water placed next to the vase.
Feeding and pest control
Everyone knows that for abundant flowering it is necessary to feed the flower. Lush plant with bright flowers requires a steady application of fertilizers, the basis of which includes phosphorus. However, in the case of the Chinese rose, this technique can kill the plant. Phosphorus accumulates in the tissues of the flower and poisons it.
Magnesium is very important for hibiscus. Its deficiency can cause the leaves to turn yellow and soon end up on the floor. The plant responds well to fertilizers with a universal composition, where there is potassium and nitrogen. These components are more suitable in a hibiscus flowering situation.
The procedure is advised to carry out either early in the morning or in the evening, pre-watering the plant with water for watering. This simple method prevents the saturated composition from burning the roots. Most often, foliar substances diluted in water are used. When the dormancy period arrives or the plant has survived transplanting, it is worth stopping feeding completely.
Pests and diseases can also affect the flowering of the bush. The most common of the insects that harm this representative of domestic flora are aphids and spider mites. What can lead to an infestation? Aphids can enter the house with other plants or fly in through the window and settle on the branches and buds of hibiscus. The mite occurs when the air is not moist enough. Drought attracts it.
Combat these parasites by spraying with special fungicides or a thick solution of laundry soap. You can put the flower in the bathroom directly with the vase and liberally treat the trunk and crown. This procedure should be repeated 5-7 times to completely eliminate both adults and their larvae. Prophylaxis of hibiscus, when it has flowering, is also acceptable. It does not harm it.
To say that the hibiscus is subject to many specific diseases is impossible. This plant is resilient. And therefore all ailments can be related to watering and air humidity. In time it is worth to pay attention to external manifestations and correct deficiencies in care.
A few secrets and knowledge about care
Learning how to care for and maintain hibiscus at home is not particularly difficult. If you follow the above-mentioned requirements for maintenance, the bush will bloom abundantly and throughout the summer.
It should be strictly remembered that only healthy plants bloom, and therefore the correct agricultural technique is the key to success. The flowers themselves last on the plant for up to two days on average. It is noticed that in cool weather, they are able to enjoy three days. Depending on the variety, blooming hibiscus increases the number of days the bud will last. It also depends on the density of the petals.
Pleased, of course, that the shrub is always large, has a lush crown, so the buds are formed on it a lot. They bloom one by one and a few at a time. This gives a wonderful effect of a long time admiring the beauty of your silent pet.