Hibiscus has long been used as a medicinal plant. But in our country it is traditionally grown for decorative purposes. It grows well both in apartment conditions and in the garden. Florists appreciate it for its abundant flowering, beautiful forms of inflorescences and ease of care. There are many varieties of hibiscus, but the mottled hibiscus differs from its counterparts by its unpretentiousness to growing conditions and unusual coloring of the leaves. It belongs to the variegate variety.
Plant description
Hibiscus is a plant of the Malva family. The name “mottled” is a reflection of the peculiarities of its color. In bright light, the leaves acquire mottled colors, combining greenish, white, red hues. Their appearance can change not only depending on the light, but also on the composition of the soil and other growing conditions.
Mottled hibiscus has a second name – Cooper’s hibiscus. The plant received it in honor of Daniel Cooper, who first introduced it to Europeans. Hibiscus itself comes from Southern China. In Latin it is called Hibiscus rosa-sinensis var. Cooperi. Its current range of cultivation includes Indonesia, Sumatra, Sri Lanka and the Hawaiian Islands.
At home Hibiscus mottled is fine and can live up to 20 years. Florists often call it a Chinese rose because of its beautiful inflorescences reaching 12 centimeters in diameter. The flowers can be terry and common. The Cooper hibiscus has many varieties, and they all have different petal colors and flower shapes. Most often the inflorescences are colored in bright red or pinkish hues. Species with orange and yellow petals are popular.
Flowering is usually between March and October. But at home, under favorable conditions, plants are capable of producing abundant blooms in winter as well. The life span of the inflorescences is short – they begin to fade in 1-2 days after they bloom. But since new buds and petals are constantly appearing on the same bush, the effect of prolonged flowering is created.
In place of the inflorescences, bolls of fruit form, inside which a large number of down-covered seeds mature.
The leaves of this variety of hibiscus are astonishing in their variety of color combinations. And on the same plant can be combined and completely green leaf plates, and having a yellowish, white and red transitions. They are all covered with bizarre patterns. The leaf size can reach 15 cm in length and 6-7 in width.
Hibiscus mottled is a tall plant. Even when kept indoors, its height often exceeds 100-120 cm. Florists form lush crowns in home specimens. This can be done due to the fact that they respond well to pruning, grow quickly during the growing season and give lateral shoots. They start to bloom in the year of planting.
Growing conditions
Growing Cooper’s hibiscus is a fun activity. It develops well and blooms profusely in bright rooms. You can tell if the plant is suffering from a lack of light by the following signs:
- stunted growth;
- reduction in the number of buds and inflorescences;
- crown thinning.
The best place for a variegated resident in the house or apartment is east or west windows. On the north side, you can also achieve flowering, but it may not be as lush. It is recommended to protect the plant from direct sunlight. In the room during the period of solar activity it is better to give him shaded corners. Get used to the sun gradually, increasing the time spent in the sun a little bit every day.
The best temperature for a Chinese rose is between +200 and +250 C. During the winter months when the plant is dormant, the temperature can be reduced. The lower limit is up to +130C.
Secrets of care for Cooper hibiscus
Florists have long mastered the subtleties of caring for Cooper hibiscus at home. The secrets of active growth and development are in lighting, watering and feeding. It is also important to trim the shoots in time to form a beautiful crown.
Hibiscus mottled is moisture-loving. It feels comfortable when the soil in the pot remains constantly moist. If the room where there is a pot of Chinese rose is warm enough, then it should be watered every 3-4 days. In addition, the plant will benefit from daily spraying of the leaves. For water procedures should take tempered water at room temperature. And after them it is recommended to loosen the top layer of soil.
Hibiscus prefer light, breathable soil. For their planting, you can buy special soil or prepare a mixture yourself. For this purpose, the following components are taken:
- garden soil;
- peat;
- coarse sand, or perlite.
All parts should be added in equal quantities. Some flower growers recommend adding a little lime to such a mixture.
Flower pot
The size of the planting container for hibiscus should be small. If you put the plant in too spacious a pot, it may not give flowering. A container should be chosen with a drainage hole.
Fertilize hibiscus mottled Cooper is required during the entire growing season, from the onset of spring to the end of autumn. Ready-made mineral compositions can be used for this purpose. At the same time, the nitrogen content in them should not be too high, as this trace element activates the build-up of green mass. And this is not always beneficial. Hibiscus with mottled leaves can lose its main highlight – unusual color.
Young Chinese roses under 5 years of age need to be transplanted. A new flower pot is selected so that it is slightly larger than the previous one. Then proceed as follows:
- A layer of drainage about 2 cm thick is poured on the bottom.
- The plant is carefully removed from the old container, so as not to damage the root system. Inspect the underground part.
- Placed in a larger pot, while filling with fresh soil and lightly tamping. The top layer of soil should be 1.5-2 cm below the edge of the pot.
This procedure should preferably be carried out in the spring, when the shoots begin to grow actively, buds are awakening. In order to stimulate flowering of Cooper hibiscus, its shoots are recommended to be cut off by a third of their length. It should be taken into account that the buds appear only on branches older than 3 months. Therefore, late pruning delays flowering. Sometimes flower growers correct the shape of the Chinese rose in the fall by removing withered, damaged, protruding shoots.
In the winter time comes the dormancy period. In order to allow the plant to rest by the beginning of the new season, you need to ensure proper care: reduce the air temperature to +160 – +220 C, reduce the regularity of watering, if possible artificially prolong the daylight hours with additional lighting.
Cooper’s hibiscus is propagated by cuttings or stems. The best times to propagate the mottled hibiscus are from February to March and July to August. For rooting cuttings you can use water, or a sand and peat mixture. For cuttings organize a greenhouse – cover it with polyethylene or place under glass. After 3 weeks, it will start to sprout roots.
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