Care of alocasia at home

цветок алоказия

Alocasia flower is a perennial and moisture-loving culture. It has more than 70 species, including hybrids, which are distributed throughout the world. They differ in height and various forms of foliage. The plant requires certain climatic conditions and a little attention. This is why they are so loved to breed in the home. But not all species can be cultivated at home. The reason is quite large forms. Keeping a collection is convenient: the species are different, and the care is the same.

How to take proper care of the plant

This exotic plant belongs to the Aroidae family. Its homeland is considered the Philippine Islands. It also grows in Malaysia and Ceylon. Like many tropical plants, it has large basal leaves with well-developed and fleshy petioles. The leaves are dark olive in color and have light veins on the bizarrely shaped core. The ends are pointed. For this, the plant is popularly called “elephant’s ear”. Alocasia is not afraid of excessive watering.

Flowers have special water stomas, otherwise known as hydatodes. With their help, excessive moisture is removed after watering.

When growing at home, they are so rarely covered with white or pinkish flowers that the plant itself is often considered ornamental and deciduous. The roots of the alocasia are light-colored, firm to the touch, with a dense structure and a tuberous system.

As stated above, the alocasia plant rarely blooms at home. Its small inflorescences are often covered by foliage. The height of the plant itself can range from 40 – 200 cm. The best known of the domesticated alocasia species are Sandera, Polly, Large Root, Bambino and Black Velvet.

alocasia plantLighting should be bright but diffuse. One must always remember the homeland of alocasia – rainforests. Therefore, both lack and excess of light will negatively affect its condition. In the eastern or western light this plant will be best in the warm seasons. In winter it should be moved to the southern part of the house with the same light. Direct sunlight can even cause burns damage to the leaves. And this is something no one needs.

Humidity and temperature

Thinking about how to care for the plant, you should remember its tropical origins. An excellent temperature for it is considered 18-26 degrees above zero Celsius (depending on the season). Increased humidity is provided by frequent spraying. Trays studded with damp claydite or pebbles are also considered a salvation.

Clearing the dust with a damped rag will be the best option so that the flower can “breathe”. If there are few sunny days, the amount of spraying should be reduced. Excess moisture, above 80%, will have a negative effect on the alocasia, as will the minimum values. For winter they are equal to 40%, and for summer – to 50%.

Watering frequency and liberal amounts

Caring for alocasia at home is impossible without knowledge about the frequency of watering. Naturally, it must differ at different times. During the period of active vegetation, regularity is required. It is best to track the frequency by the rate at which the soil dries out. The flower will require purified, standing or rain water every 2 days.

home care for alocasiaFrom September to February, water on the second day after the top soil dries out. Since the alocasia reacts negatively to supersaturation, it will have to be constantly monitored.

Watering itself can be different for each owner, depending not only on the temperature indicators, but also on the strength of illumination, as well as the level of humidity.

It should be remembered that in a dry environment mites appear, and with excessive watering – the roots rot.

Either way, the plant can suffer if under- or over-watered.


A houseplant needs nutrition, but not more often than a couple of times in 30 days. Especially it should be done during the active growing season. Fertilizers with large amounts of nitrogen are needed. This element is directly related to the activation of alocasia growth. The plant needs potassium-containing additives in the fall and winter. But fertilizing is carried out no more than 1 time in 5 – 6 weeks. Very often gardeners alternate “Leaf” and “Agricola for ornamental plants”. The first is diluted 1 tbsp. of water for 3 l. And the second – for the same amount of liquid – 1 tsp.

Young flowers need the introduction of phosphorus-containing components. This stimulates the growth of healthy roots, improves immunity.

Features of the soil

A houseplant that came to us from the tropics, “has claims” even to the substrate.

Its tasks are to retain moisture and the passage of air. The level of acidity should range from pH 5.5 to 6.3.
Most often in a ratio of 4:4:4:1 mix leaf soil, coniferous buds or soil, peat and sand or buy a ready-made mixture for deciduous crops.

Do not forget to sterilize any soil mixture. You should also supervise the quality preparation of the first layer, drainage. There is another mixture that is very narcissistic for alocasia. You should mix sand, sphagnum moss, charcoal, peat and leaf soil in a 6:2:3:2:1 ratio.

Propagation of alocasia

Alocasia is propagated both by tubers and root division, cuttings and by seed. The rules of planting are identical to other plants. It is made in the spring, so that the active growth of the alocasia has not begun. An adult plant will need transplanting once every 24 – 36 months. A tall pot and excellent drainage are the basic requirements for transplanting.

If the tubers were on the surface – this is the first sign for transplanting. They should be separated from the alocasia using a knife. A moist environment will be needed for germination. Sphagnum moss is best for this purpose. To create a greenhouse effect, a film is put on the container with the tubers. It is removed when the first leaf on the sprout unfolds. At the same time, the young plant is transplanted into a pot.

Division of the rhizome in time coincides with transplanting. The soil that gets in the way should be removed. As usual, the root is divided into parts, so that on each there is a leaf rosette or bud to spawn the future plant. The cut should be covered with charcoal. The dried piece of root is planted in a pot of suitable size. The temperature regime for the next week should not be less than plus 23 degrees Celsius. Regular spraying is mandatory.

When cuttings, the upper part of the shoot should be cut off at an angle of 45 degrees. As usually treated with solutions for rapid root formation and affecting rapid growth.
When propagating with seeds, sow immediately after harvesting. If the seeds lose moisture, the gardener will not be able to grow new alocasia. Burying the planting material in the substrate should not be deep. Spraying and a temperature constantly within 22 – 24 degrees Celsius will definitely give results. The time for sprouting is from 5 to 21 days. The first transplanting of new plants is possible only after the root system has wrapped around the entire soil in the pot.

Diseases, plant pests and pest control

Whatever efforts are made to grow alocasia and provide it with care at home, it is necessary to always have information about diseases and pests.
If the leaves are dry, there may be too much salt in the water.

Frequent pests for alocasia are thrips and scales.

Spider mites are not excluded. In all cases, if the infestation is massive, it is necessary to buy a chemical store remedy Aktelika. Its solution is prepared at the rate of 1 – 2 drops per liter of liquid. In case pests are detected early, you can do with washing the leaves with an ordinary soap solution.

A number of problems with the plant are solved very simply, if the gardener notices that:

  • Leaves are wilting, it means that the watering is not done correctly, a change of water regime and replacement of the soil mixture will solve the problem;
  • Alocasia leaves show signs of yellowing and desiccation – the water is oversaturated with salts, iron and chlorine, it should be defended, use purified or rainwater;
  • leaves became pale from green – the light intensity should be increased;
  • appeared on the leaves darkened spotting, the first thing to check draughts and the fact of overcooling, a simple rearrangement will save;
  • alokasia grows slowly, a frequent cause is a nitrogen deficiency, feeding a solution of urea will solve all problems.

Alocasia rarely gives flowers, but with proper care, attentive care will give the beauty of the green of the rainforest. To create the necessary conditions for the plant is not difficult, if you know all its whims.

A vegetable garden on a windowsill
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