Callistemon: popular species, care and reproduction


Exotic plant callistemon is difficult to call a flower: at least in natural conditions it is a shrub or a tree. However, in apartments it is successfully grown in pots and stunningly beautiful blooms. Even in our country this southern plant can be kept in the house and on the terrace, and under certain conditions and in the garden, and care for it is not considered difficult. In addition, callistemon is useful: releasing phytoncides, it is good for healthier air.


Callistemon belongs to the Myrtle family and is an evergreen. In nature (Australia, Tasmania) can grow to a height of 10 meters, indoor plants are quite compact. Because of its high shoot-forming ability the crown is very dense, and the shoots branch well and the lateral sprouts look out in all directions. The leaves are stiff, narrow-lanceolate, pointed at the edges, up to 8 cm long, grayish-green. It is the leaves that release essential oils.

Especially valuable are candle-shaped fluffy inflorescences up to 10 cm long. They are collected from a huge number of flowers, formed at the ends of shoots. Because of the bundles of long stamens close to each other, the plant is also called “many stamens”, “beautiful stamens” or “bengal candles”. These stamens can be colored in a variety of bright colors: most often shades of red, but there are also yellow, salmon-colored, purple and even white. Petals as such callistemon has no petals. After flowering, closer to autumn, seeds are formed, located in capsules-beads with a hard shell, capable of very long and firmly held on the branches.

callistemon flower

The genus callistemon includes several dozen species, in our country in domestic conditions mainly contain lemon callistemon (citrus). This multi-stemmed shrub, capable of reaching a height of 3 meters in ideal conditions, in the same pot it rarely exceeds a meter. The crown is rounded, the leaves are green, arranged on short petioles. The stamens are red, straight, silky. Varieties with white, pink, and purple stamens have been bred. The species was named for its citrus aroma released by its leaves when they are slightly damaged.

Of the other species, for example, the following are known:

  • Callistemon rod-shaped (twisted). In domestic conditions forms a rounded bush with a diameter of up to 1.5 m, differs from other species with drooping branches. At home grows up to 7 m. The leaves are dark green in color. The stamens are often red.
  • Willow Callistemon. One of the most common species found in apartments. Can be grown as a shrub or small tree. Stamens are pale yellow, sometimes pinkish.
  • Callistemon beautiful. Even in nature, this plant is not very tall, often grown in pots, and suitable for cool rooms. The stamens are crimson-red and the anthers are yellowish in color. Considered a highly ornamental species, it blooms all summer.

Planting and care

callistemon plantCultivation of the beautifully bunting is considered uncomplicated. It is better to buy it after flowering (approximately from early fall to mid-March). If necessary, at the same time carry out transplanting into a new pot. It should be quite deep (the root system of callistemon is powerful), but for decorative purposes, so that the flowering looked more spectacular, it usually choose not wide. The presence of drainage holes is mandatory. As a soil will suit any universal mixture for house flowers, preferably with a weakly acidic reaction. When preparing your own preparation, mix equally sod and leaf soil, coarse sand and humus. Not bad for friability add small brick crumbs or vermiculite. Under the soil put drainage material.

Subsequently, home callistemon is transplanted in the spring every year, and later, when the plant reaches a larger size, less often. The largest specimens are difficult to transplant; in such cases, the top layer of soil is substituted annually.

When taking care of the plant, you should try to create the following conditions for it:

  • Lighting should be sufficient, but constant very bright light callistemon does not require. In general, he likes space, we must take into account that in the closeness of the plant can bloom badly, to shield it from the light should not be. Even if a few hours a day he needs natural sunlight, although the scorching sun and fraught with leaf burns.
  • Temperature. Surprisingly, this southern guest does not like heat. The most comfortable in the spring and summer are 20 … 22 °C, and in the winter time the temperature should be lowered by 6 … 8 degrees. Therefore, in summer the pots are often taken to the balcony, and in winter, if possible, placed in a frost-free greenhouse (some species are not afraid of even a slight frost, and 8…10 °C in winter is quite a suitable temperature). If the plant is left in a warm place for the winter, flowering may not be as lush.
  • Moisture of the ground. Both stagnant water and overdrying of the soil should not be allowed. Watering should be done systematically with water of normal temperature.
  • Air humidity. It should not be too low, as encountered in urban apartments in some arid regions, especially in the spring and summer. In such cases periodic spraying of leaves is sufficient; special humidifiers are usually not required.
  • Nutrition. From March-April to September Callistemon 1-2 times a month fertilized with any complex fertilizers for house flowers, but the excess of nutrition should not be allowed.

All callistemons well tolerate pruning, which is carried out to form the desired shape of the plant. It is better to do this in the fall. Pruning also inhibits excessive growth.

In mid-autumn, reduce watering and gradually lower the temperature. From November to February do not fertilize, keep a low temperature, but the light should be enough: in the evening should be moderate dosvetka.

Callistemon: popular species, care and reproduction

Callistemon is ideal for winter gardens, but its cultivation in the open ground in our country is possible only in the south. True, in the hottest time there he has to cover from the scorching sun, but he normally winters.


Seeds or cuttings are used to obtain new plants. Seed propagation is not difficult, but seedlings grow slowly. Sowing is possible from autumn to the end of winter, it is better to do it in February. Sow superficially, covered with glass the container is kept at room temperature. After sprouts appear glass is removed, and the seedlings after reaching the height of 7-8 cm are seated in pots. Flowering will have to wait at least 3-4 years.

Plants obtained from cuttings bloom earlier. Planting is carried out during pruning, selecting the best cuttings about 10 cm long with three internodes. After treatment with a rooting stimulant, they are planted in moist soil and create greenhouse conditions. The appearance of new leaves indicates success. Well-rooted cuttings are planted in separate pots.

Possible problems

Callistemon is considered very resistant to disease, but the scab, spider mite, powdery worm sometimes attack it. It is worth fighting them immediately with the use of insecticides. Other problems occur due to significant errors in care. These can be:

  • withering and falling leaves – from lack of light or waterlogged soil;
  • slow growth and poor flowering – from lack of light;
  • yellow-brown spots on the leaves – from sunburn;
  • withering of the whole plant – from alkaline soil.

Usually an urgent change in conditions can correct the situation. Kallistemon generally forgives the host many mistakes, unless they are in the nature of blatant neglect of the pet.

Callistemon: popular species, care and reproduction

Callistemon is a large indoor plant, distinguished by a very spectacular and abundant flowering, lasting at least two months in the summertime. Since it is a perennial that does not shed its leaves for the winter, it is interesting throughout the year, but in winter it requires maintenance at lower temperatures. Otherwise, it is not very difficult to keep callistemon.

A vegetable garden on a windowsill
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  1. Debbie Johnson

    This is a great post about callistemon! It is so helpful to learn about the popular species, how to properly care for them, and the tips on reproduction. It’s clear that this post was written with an informative and positive sentiment — thank you for providing such valuable information!
