Balsamina is a perennial or annual herbaceous crop of the Impatiens genus (family Balsamina), which consists of about five hundred species. Impatiens means “not tolerant” in Latin.
Due to the fact that at the slightest touch of seed capsules, they burst and scatter their seeds over quite a long distance from the main flower, balsamins are commonly called Nedotroga.
Plants kept in room conditions have several simpler “nicknames”. Because drops of sugary composition appear on the edges of the leaf plate after watering, they are called Vanka wet, and because of the year-round lush flowering – Ognonek. Many gardeners are interested in the question, “Why does balsamine not bloom and how to fix it?” And some also want to know what rules of care are recommended for the normal development of the plant at home.
Description of the prickly pear.
The stems are branched upright, reaching a height of about fifty centimeters, smooth and succulent in structure. The leaf part is fleshy, 8 to 13 cm long, oblong in shape, serrated at the edges and green or purplish-bronze in color.
Inflorescences come in various colors and shades (white, red, pink, orange, purple, etc.).
They are located in the axils of the leaves. They are about 4 centimeters in diameter and have an irregular shape. At the end of flowering, bolls with fairly large seeds are formed, with which the plant reproduces itself.
Home care
The natural environment of this crop is subtropical and tropical climates, such as those found in a number of Asian and African countries. From these regions, the flower was introduced to Europe in the 16th century, and since then it has been a favorite of most florists.
Why does the balsam flower not bloom?
In order to understand the reason for the lack of flowering of the balsamina, it is worth paying attention to the conditions of its maintenance and consider the recommendations for the proper care of it.
Lighting and temperature
At home of the plant is very sunny and long daylight hours. Therefore, it is mainly the Flares that stop blooming that lack light. To try to correct this situation, it is worthwhile to place the pot with the flower on a lighter windowsill.
However, when choosing a place, remember that it does not tolerate direct sunlight!
Keep this in mind when placing the plant! If you can’t find a suitable location or if the daylight hours are short, additional artificial light must be provided. A well looked after plant will have flower buds from early spring to early winter. Experienced florists also do not recommend frequent repotting.
The most suitable air temperature should be between 20 – 22 º C (in summer) and not below 16 º C (in winter). Already at 14 º C Vanka wet stops flowering. The plant needs not only optimal temperature, but also to get rid of sudden temperature changes and strong draughts.
Watering and humidity
For balsamins to bloom continuously, it is worth observing the condition of the soil mixture in the container in which it is growing. The soil should be moderately moist. Both its overdrying and stagnant water should not be allowed. In summer the plant is recommended to water with water that is distilled every other day. In winter, watering is reduced to twice a week. Watering on the edges of the planting pot in order to avoid damage to the root neck.
The plant needs regular spraying, especially if it grows at home at temperatures above 20 ºC.
When spraying the leaves, make sure that the spray does not get onto the inflorescences!
In summer it isn’t a bad idea to put the flower out in the open air (e.g. on a balcony, open loggia, terrace or garden). Do not forget to shelter from the scorching sun.
Container size and nutrition
The buds of the plant will constantly open only when its root system completely fills the planting container. Therefore, to rejoice in the abundant flowering of balsamins, you need a small container. Otherwise, it will spend all its energy on building up the root and foliage, and will not give flower stems.
When planting or when transplanting Nedotroga on the bottom of the container should be placed a layer of claydite as drainage. Optimal soil: sand + sod soil + leafy soil + compost + peat at a ratio of 2:2:2:2:1 respectively.
Bathing wet at home needs feeding with complex mineral fertilizers, which should include elements that stimulate the appearance and development of ovaries. Such elements include potassium and phosphorus. Fertilizing is recommended once every fourteen days.
Do not fertilize with organic substances containing nitrogen, as they promote the growth of green mass.
For the same reason, you should not overfeed the plant with potassium and phosphorus fertilizers.
Pests and diseases
Flowers do not bloom well and leaves fall off? The reason may be the presence of pests. Very thoroughly inspect your pet for spider mites, aphids or whiteflies. In such cases, you need to act immediately. The handy remedies available in every home may include soapy water, gently rubbing the infested areas.
To avoid soap getting into the soil, the pot can be wrapped in a bag or food film. It will not be superfluous to give Vanya a warm shower. But still the most optimal and effective are considered insecticidal preparations of systemic action.
Wet soil combined with low air temperature promotes root and stem rot, as well as the appearance of gray rot.
If this situation cannot be prevented, the spoiled parts should be removed in a short time, watering with warm water should be restored, and the room temperature should be adjusted. In cases of far advanced decay, it is necessary to select unaffected cuttings for further propagation. The remains should be destroyed, and the container should be well washed.
Thrips and aphids can infest the plant with mosaic. This disease causes balsam leaves to become covered with yellow spots and become deformed. It is sufficient to cut off the leaves with the insects and treat with special preparations.
All work on the plants at home should be carried out with rubber gloves.
In order to increase decorativeness, experts recommend doing pruning in early spring. To stimulate the growth of lateral shoots, balsamins are pruned.
Provide the plant with proper care (and even novice florists can do it) and the blooming Firefly in response to your love will thank you with lush blossoms and a variety of bright colors!