Caring for balsam terry at home

бальзамин махровый: посадка и уход

Herbaceous shrubs have given way to more capricious tropical crops as the skill of indoor floriculture has improved. Amateurs and professionals alike are happily reminded of balsamine because of its simple agronomy, long blooms, and unmatched hardiness. It takes all the effort in the world to kill off an indoor balsamina.

Balsamina’s long history of cultivation has added many endearing nicknames to its scientific name, Impatiens balsamina:

  • Vanka is wet;
  • Zealous Lisa;
  • Fireside;
  • Nedotroga;
  • Mini Rose.

The herbaceous shrub’s hardiness has made it a true favorite of urban flower beds.

Also successful is its seasonal growth on open balconies, terraces, where it blooms from the beginning of summer until the first frosts.


Herbaceous shrub in a room microclimate reaches a height of 25-30 centimeters. Spreading stems with thin skin almost transparent in the light require pinching of growth points to awaken lateral shoots.

Caring for balsam terry at home

The suprotectively arranged leaves have short petioles. At the base of the petiole, there are glands that secrete sap droplets in the precipitation. The leaves are simple, rounded-cordate in shape. The zygomorphic flowers often gather in inflorescences. The color palette ranges from red to orange. Hybrids with terrycloth flowers are very popular.

The ovary is formed only after pollination. Home-grown shrubs require artificial pollination. It is difficult to obtain seeds because of a reactive way of seed dispersal. The slightest touch to the seed box provokes the shooting of seeds. Because of this, balsamina was nicknamed the prude.

Variety of varieties of Terry Balsamina

Through the efforts of florists, home collections were replenished with varieties with macro flowers, which quickly gained popularity. The most famous varieties of the hybrid:

  • Sparkler Cherry is a lush bush covered with dark green leaves. Pleases with a continuous flowering of large flowers in bright cherry color.
  • Sparkler Salmon is a lavishly flowering hybrid. Tender pink berry-like flowers with white streaks.
  • Ole Peppermint is a low-growing shrub with mottled foliage and pink, crimson terry flowers.
  • Apple Blossom is a bushy plant with delicate pink flowers. The middle is usually a darker shade. The petals become lighter as they open.
  • Coral Bells is a splendid ampelic hybrid with coral-orange drooping flowers.
  • Balsamina Red is a widespread plant. Widely used in room and garden growing. The red, majestic flowers stand out favorably against the background of the dark green foliage, due to which it received its second name “Firefly”.
  • Purple Pinata – attracts attention with lush purple flowers on the background of light green leaves. Flowers from afar resemble small peonies.

Caring for balsam terry at home

This is not a complete list of hybrid varieties with beautiful colors. The rich palette of colors contains all shades of red, white, purple and orange.

Basic rules of room cultivation of balsamina

Creating an optimal microclimate and decent care at home contribute to year-round flowering of the hybrid. The herbaceous shrub is not particularly capricious. Nevertheless, it is important not to subject the plant to stress. Balsamina often reacts to sudden changes by dropping flowers and buds.

The basic rules of agrotechnics are as follows:

  1. Scattered lighting is preferable, despite the fact that balsamina terry refers to light-loving plants. On southern windows it should be shaded from 10 to 17 hours to exclude intense moisture loss.An excess of sunlight and lack of moisture is indicated by drooping leaves of the herbaceous shrub. In addition, the stems and shoots lose their turgor.
  2. Additional lighting in winter contributes to abundant year-round flowering. Balsamine does not have a pronounced dormancy period. On northern windows the intensity of flowering is significantly reduced. Balsamina has a high ability to adapt to new growing conditions.Stress provokes loss of flowers and buds. Under favorable conditions, flowering resumes after one to two weeks.
  3. The optimum temperature in the spring-summer period is within +20+25°C. In a cooler room, balsamins age quickly and rarely produce flowers. In addition, overcooling of the root system leads to its rotting and death of the bush.
  4. Air humidity is not decisive for Van’ka Wet. Increase of ambient temperature to +22°C requires obligatory spraying to reduce overheating of the above-ground part of the shrub. In a cool room the plant is not sprayed in order not to cause overcooling.Indicator of the optimum humidity of the air and the substrate are high turgor stems and leaves of balsamins.
  5. Watering regime depends on the period of the year, the ambient temperature and the length of daylight hours. From early spring to mid-autumn watering twice a week. Be sure to wait for the drying of the top layer of substrate. As the daylight hours decrease, increase the interval between waterings. The next watering is done in one to two days after drying of the soil. In winter it is necessary to drain the excess water from the pan. Insufficient watering can lead to drying of the roots, while too much moisture creates the conditions for their rotting.
  6. Fertilizing should be done only in spring and summer and not more than twice a month. Mineral complexes for flowering house plants are preferred. The concentration of the solution should be half as much as recommended on the package.

Pruning and shaping

Flower stems sprout from the leaf axils of young shoots. Therefore, regular maintenance of the shrub crown is recommended. Pinching the tops of the shoots provokes the formation of side shoots. In spring, the overgrown pruning plant is trimmed by half. It is recommended not to water the plant one or two days before and after the procedure to reduce stress.

Planting and transplanting

terry balsam

Balsamina does not have high requirements to the composition of the soil. When planting and transplanting the pruning plant, the basic rules of compulsory drainage of the vase apply. It is preferable to plant in low vases of large diameter, because the tap root system does not penetrate very deeply. Transplanting by the method of transplanting is carried out in early spring, on the eve of active vegetation. The first watering is carried out immediately after compaction of the substrate.

Balsamina terry blooms more abundantly when the roots are a little cramped in the pot.

It is not recommended to grow balsamins longer than two or three years due to their rapid aging. Given its easy breeding, it will be preferable to rejuvenate the plant by cuttings.

A vegetable garden on a windowsill
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