Care and propagation methods for garden hibiscus

The unpretentious ornamental plants often become one of the favorites of both experienced and novice florists. And since this is the case, it is not unreasonable to talk about how to propagate hibiscus at home.

A little about the plant

One of the most popular is the Chinese hibiscus. It is a member of the mallow family, which appeared in the tropics and now has 300 varieties. When this representative of the flora is found in public institutions, halls and offices, many people associate it with a tree because of its size, for which it has received two additional names: grandmother’s flower and rosean.

Besides the Chinese rose almost 300 other species of plants belong to the hibiscus flower. Wild and cultivated – these representatives of the flora always attract attention. The secret lies in the unpretentiousness and homeland of their origin. Wild ancestors did not require special care. And grew in China and Japan, Malaysia and India, as well as in the south of Russia. All they needed was a comfortable temperature in the range of 23-24 °C above zero. But they could tolerate thermometer readings of 15 °C above zero in order to bloom. Fluctuations in temperature between 7 and 30 °C above zero were allowed to survive.

garden hibiscus

Those who do not know what hibiscus in propagation may think that it is very fastidious, because the plant has often large flowers, gorgeous richly colored foliage. But this is not the case. About the conditions of care we will talk a little later. And now a little about what modern home and garden varieties look like.

Large specimens of hibiscus are the owners of flowers in red or pink tones. They can be simple or similar in appearance to a machra. Their leaves are triangular in shape with a rich color, neatly complementing the composition. Small bushes of compact form, decorated with flowers of various shades, are cultivated for the home. Experienced florists give preference to plants bred in Holland.

Such “Dutch” hibiscuses include:

  • Adonicus Pearl is the possessor of simple white flowers that are red in the center;
  • El Capitolio includes three unusual varieties of hibiscus, distinguished by cascading flowers in different shades of yellow, orange, and also red;
  • Koenig makes you freeze in front of the lemon color of the swollen flowers.

When a “Chinese rose” has flowers larger than the size of the palm of one’s hand and unusual colors, it is often called a “Floridian.” Perhaps not just for their appearance, but also for their Italian burrowing nature.

Such flowers are expensive in cost and capricious in care. But the shades of flowers are varied: from pink to burgundy, to purple and scarlet, to soft lemon and light pink. There are unusual forms: corrugated edges or the flower itself, transitions contrasting from white to dark purple or from yellow to burgundy. Cooper’s hibiscus has a mottled color of elongated leaves with white or pinkish flecks.

How to propagate hibiscus

One of the largest flowers, reaching the size of two open palms, in a shrub with large leaves. Its name is “marsh hibiscus”. It blooms in white and burgundy. Because of its particular appearance and rather large size, it is rarely grown in the house, more often planted outdoors.

Some species of hibiscus can be taken as food. They are grown on balconies with sufficient light. The most common and well-known are okra and okra, which have finger-shaped fruits. Carcade tea we consume when the fruits of the hibiscus sabdarif are dried.

Of interesting species, the Syrian hibiscus, grown in the garden and less frequently in the home, should also be noted. The ornamental bush is covered with flowers resembling mallow in different shades, from white to purple. Its main feature is the dropping of leaves. If the deciduous shrub can not get rid of old leaves on its own, it should be helped. Otherwise, the place of new, fresh, green leaves will be occupied by curled ugly old ones.

General conditions of care for different types of hibiscus

To properly care for the different species of this plant, you need to follow two simple rules:

  • do not put under the scorching sun and provide at least 5 hours of daylight;
  • Water generously and don’t let it rot or dry out.

From an excess of moisture any hibiscus can die, so during the winter period the amount of watering is reduced.

If the plant is an indoor plant, there should be no water in the tray. In hot weather, the flowers should be removed to the shade. All hibiscuses need a bright side, but sometimes they can withstand up to 5 hours in direct sunlight to bloom.

The breeding and care conditions for different species differ as much as the length of time each species blooms. The Chinese hibiscus will please you with a flower for 1 day, and the Florida hibiscus – can even bloom for five days. Only with the latter, it is important to monitor watering, which should be kept to a minimum. Watering is an accompanying disease of florid hibiscuses when overwatered.

In principle, this species of the mallow family is a cleaner. They love to “bathe.” It is also good as a prophylactic against spider mite. Frequent spraying of the leaves will approve any representative of hibiscus, as well as fertilizer. So once a week you can “spoil your favorite” with a third dose of fertilizer.

propagation of hibiscus cuttings at home

Hibiscuses suffer from spider mites, aphids, powdery mildew, chlorosis. The presence of mites is not visible to the naked eye, but you can see the consequences of their activity. Dirty, rotted leaves with spots on them will be a sign of this disease. These mites have drunk the sap from the leaves of the plant. Over time, you can observe the appearance of spider webs at the top of the stem and between the leaves. It is necessary to start fighting until all the leaves have fallen off. Soapy water applied as a spray (several times a day) and insecticides will save the pitiable situation quickly enough.

Lack of different nutrients, called chlorosis, is manifested by partial or complete yellowing of the leaves, which can lead to their fall. It is necessary to feed the missing complex of minerals, and the plant will “revive” again.

Propagating hibiscus cuttings

To breed this plant, the easiest way is to propagate hibiscus cuttings at home. By the way, the higher its cost, the more difficult it is to propagate this beauty. Rooting is carried out in the spring. By pruning, all branches can be turned into new plants. It is not difficult to do this. The cuttings are inserted into the soil. To do this, use coconut substrate or use perlite, peat tablets. Do it under a package. Leaves from the cuttings are removed by 50%, large – trimmed.

Remember that propagation by cuttings – not a “life jacket” for a dying plant. He can no longer be helped if the chemicals or mineralization of the soil did not help. It is only wasted time. But you can try to graft it “plucked” to another hibiscus plant. Propagation is also done with cuttings that are raised in water.

Cuttings of hibiscus depend not so much on the method, but on the type of plant. Most often the common Chinese rose is cuttings. The system is simple. It is necessary to cut the tip on the sprout, which is half hardened. But on his tip must be three buds. The length of the cutting should not be more than 10 -15 cm, and make the cut obliquely. The lower leaves are discarded and a right angle cut is made at the top, which will need to be treated with wood ash or a stimulant for root formation.

hibiscus flower

Propagation by cuttings is carried out in a glass filled with water, or planted in moist clean or mixed with peat sand. Before the rooting of the cuttings, you can create a greenhouse effect with the help of a bag. So that moisture does not accumulate excessively, the bag should be opened ajar. The process lasts about a month. And the new plant can please the owners with flowering in a year.

Propagation from seed

Reproduce hibiscus at home can also be done by seeds. The secret is that they do not lose the ability to germinate 72 months after collection. The time of sowing is spring. With a damp substrate for sowing, the best soil is created. They are sown superficially and covered with plastic wrap to keep the temperature between 25 and 27°C above zero until the first two leaves appear. The seedlings usually sprout abundantly, as the seeds hardly rot. Plants from these shoots will become fruiting in 36 months. Knowing the conditions for propagation and care of hibiscus, you can achieve splendid year-round flowering gardens under the roof of your own house or garden.

Transplanting and pruning hibiscus

How to propagate this plant of different varieties – now everyone knows. But one way or another it depends on the availability of adult plants, which need professional care, timely transplanting or competent pruning of hibiscus. For the acclimatization of a new plant is given no more than 2 weeks. Hibiscus potted plant likes moisture, but so that it is not a lot and not a little.

In hot conditions indoors, large pots are needed, but if there will be a blackout, and the temperature is noted below average, then the container should be smaller.

New flowers should be transplanted as soon as possible, otherwise the flowering chemicals used in flower nurseries can adversely affect the health of the plants. The best soil for them is breathable, nutritious, with minimal peat and increased potassium content. One option is a mixture of soil for roses and perlite, vermiculite, and dry fertilizer.

The care of the bushes involves pruning. Prune old and stumpy branches to 1/3 of the length, you can remove shoots that are dry or bent.

Usually this is done in spring, but if necessary, the event is repeated in autumn. To allow the shoots to develop outward, the cuts are made over the buds pointing outward.

The distribution of hibiscus has become quite large, probably because of the love of the fairer sex for roses.

A vegetable garden on a windowsill
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