Ixora: peculiarities of cultivation and care at home
In warm countries, the Ixora, a native of India, is considered a garden plant and is a
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Allamanda: rules of planting, care and reproduction
Allamanda has more than 15 varieties of lianas and shrubs suitable for growing at home.
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катарантус розовый
Cataranthus: description, reproduction, cultivation and care
Catharanthus is an evergreen perennial, which adapts equally well in the garden and in room conditions.
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грунт для гардении жасминовидной
All about gardenia jasmine soil
Growing gardenia jasmine in room conditions requires careful care. The key to successful
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Adeniums Mini – what are the flowers
Miniature and bright flowers, decorating apartments of modern metropolitan areas, Adeniums
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фото адениума
How to get the adenium to bloom at home
Although hardy succulents have successfully acclimated to indoor flowering in temperate
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How to form the caudex of an adenium
The Adenium, an unusual bottle tree, is very popular among succulent lovers.
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обрезка адениума в домашних условиях
Secrets of Adenium pruning at home
Adenium is an exotic ornamental flower, which is also called Desert Rose or Impala lily.
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What causes gardenia leaves to turn black
Harmoniously developing gardenia bush has dark green leaves with a slightly glossy surface.
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Hydrangea propagation methods
One of the most common ways is to propagate gardenias with cuttings. This plant is famous
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Why Adenium has problems with leaves
Adenium is a beautiful oblong shaped plant with bright blooms that will look good in any home.
A vegetable garden on a windowsill
Peculiarities of adenium care
Adenium obsoletum, a plant from the Cutraea family, is increasingly found not among the
A vegetable garden on a windowsill