Growing gardenia jasmine in room conditions requires careful care. The key to successful cultivation is the right gardenia soil.
The most meticulous care of the queen of the green collection cannot compensate for improper soil composition. A strong root system is the key to the formation of a harmonious development of the above-ground part. A favorable microclimate and optimal substrate allows you to grow a flowering shrub at home.
The composition of soil for adult gardenias, cuttings and seeds has significant differences, designed to provide the most favorable conditions for the development of the bush, rooting cuttings and germination of seeds.
What mix to buy for gardenia jasmine
Gardenia jasmine grows successfully both in a purchased mixture and soil prepared by yourself. It is important to correctly determine the necessary parameters of the substrate, which is as close as possible to the natural conditions of the tropical semi-shrub.
Specialized retail outlets offer many variants of ready-made soil mixes for a long list of indoor plants. Tropical beauties are an exception and are not included in this list. Therefore, when planting gardenia jasmine in a ready-made soil mixture, it is necessary to add certain ingredients to optimize the composition.
Of the realized options, the following substrates have the closest composition:
- Soil for azaleas;
- Soil for rhododendrons;
- Soil for flowering crops.
It is highly undesirable to use the so-called universal substrate. Gardenias are too sensitive to improper substrate composition and are not “universal” plants.
Any purchased substrate needs to be optimised so that it is as friable as possible and has the right amount of water.
The total proportion of additives in a ready-made soil mixture is at least 30%:
- Sphagnum moss – 10%;
- River sand – 10%;
- Loosener – 10%.
At the same time, river sand is pretreated to exclude the introduction of additional chemical elements or pathogens into the soil. In floriculture, predominantly white coarse sand is used, which is common on river beaches and yellow sand from the sea coast. Yellow sand is much finer than white sand, so it should be added in larger quantities.
Preliminary preparation of the sand is as follows:
- Rinse thoroughly under running water, remembering to periodically stir and drain the raised suspension;
- Pour water and bring to a boil. Boil for at least 20 minutes to kill pathogenic bacteria, get rid of salts;
- Rinse again, draining the water three times;
- To harden in the oven or microwave until completely dry.
Vermiculite, shredded charcoal, agroperlite, etc. are used as an inert loosener. Note that agroperlite, vermiculite and sand are chemically neutral. They do not affect the nutrient composition of the soil. Sphagnum moss and charcoal increase the acidity of the soil, which is very important for gardenia jasmine.
How to check the acidity level of the soil
The level of acidity of the soil necessarily indicate on the packaging of the soil mixture. The optimum acidity for gardenia jasmine-like does not exceed five units. A substrate with a pH of 4.5-5.5 is excellent for planting gardenias. Having a litmus paper, you can check the acidity of the soil yourself.
In addition, a simple manipulation will require:
- A loose vase with a drainage layer and a tray. Pour one or two handfuls of prepared substrate into a vase or other container and water it liberally. For the study will need water that leaked into the tray;
- Or a glass container with high walls. In the case of a glass container, pour an equal amount of water over the soil, mix thoroughly, and wait for the water to separate from the soil. The water is drained off for examination.
A substrate containing all the components, ready for planting an indoor plant, is used for the study. Additional ingredients can affect the pH value.
How to prepare your own soil for gardenia
Many flower growers prefer to prepare their own different ingredients for planting houseplants. Any city dweller can get a supply of sod and foliage soil. To do this, it is enough to choose a suitable place in the park area. You should exclude areas along roads and farmland. Also garden and vegetable garden soil is not suitable.
Do not make soil near oak, willow, willow, willow, because they include tannins.
For planting gardenia jasmine-like will be required:
- Turf soil, which is collected in open areas free of trees and shrubs. The place should be well-lit, not prone to swamping. The presence of mole holes is a good sign. By the way, sod soil is sometimes called “mole soil”. It is believed that it is best taken from earth mounds, which are formed near the moles;
- Coniferous soil, respectively, is collected under coniferous trees. It is best if it will be pines. Spruce plantings are poorly lit. It is necessary to remove the top layer of pine needles to harvest this type of soil. Conifer soil has a characteristic composition and a high pH value;
- Leaf soil is collected in parks, forest plantations. Pay attention to the condition and type of trees. It is better to choose a site with young, actively growing deciduous trees. Soil under old trees contains fewer nutrients;
- Peat soil, sand, vermiculite are bought in the trade network. Choose upland peat, which is most suitable for gardenia. You can also find it in elevated areas near old ponds with overgrown banks. Peat improves the porosity of the soil.
In addition, material for drainage will be required. It is best to use not large claydite. Skulls, brick crumbs, foam plastic, gravel are not suitable for gardenias because of their properties and mineral composition. Claydite must be subjected to prior preparation, similar to the preparation of sand. Only burning in the oven is excluded. Boiling time is increased to 30 minutes to completely free the pores of claydite from salts.
Drainage mixture should occupy at least a quarter of the space of the vase. Its amount is increased to a third of the pot, if young plants with a small root system are planted.
The roots of the gardenia jasmine must not come into contact with the drainage layer.
Composition of homemade soil for gardenia jasmine-like
Prepare an earth mixture for planting gardenia is not difficult, having on hand all the necessary components.
It is necessary to mix in equal proportions the following ingredients:
- Turf soil;
- Conifer soil;
- Leaf soil;
- Top peat.
To the prepared substrate add 10% each of sand, inert loosener, charcoal, sphagnum.
Be sure to examine the acidity of the earth mixture. The proportion of peat or sphagnum is increased if the pH is less than 4.5.
The resulting soil mixture should have a loose texture, black color. The right soil for gardenia absorbs water well, does not compact after watering, does not retain moisture. It is important to grind charcoal, peat, sphagnum well to exclude the presence of large lumps, to ensure optimal saturation of the soil with the useful properties of these components.
Soil for rooting gardenia cuttings
Reproduction of gardenia is carried out mainly by rooting cuttings, which are harvested during the spring pruning. It is not always possible to grow a new specimen from a single cuttings, since germination is very slow. The chances of success increase if the “right” substrate is used.
The substrate for rooting gardenia cuttings should have the following properties:
- Exceptional disinfectant qualities;
- Complete absence of any pathogens;
- Good permeability to moisture and air;
- Retain moisture without retaining excess moisture;
- Acidity level not less than pH 4.5.
During rooting, the twigs are at high risk of being affected by pathogenic bacteria, fungi. During this period, the future plant is not able to absorb nutrients. Therefore, it is not recommended to use soil for adult gardenias.
The highest disinfectant properties are:
- Lowland peat;
- Charcoal.
Charcoal does not retain moisture well, so its amount should not exceed 10% of the total amount of substrate.
The optimal recipe for a soil mixture for rooting gardenia jasmine cuttings is as follows:
- 50% lowland peat;
- 40% river sand
- 10% charcoal.
Lowland peat differs from upland peat in its almost black color, high level of acidity, homogeneous texture.
Such a substrate has the necessary level of acidity, devoid of pathogenic pathogens. In addition, it is a good moisture retainer due to the presence of peat. Sand eliminates waterlogging, ensures rapid removal of excess moisture, and prevents the formation of crust on the surface of the substrate.
Gardenia jasmine seed germination soil
Gardenia is very rarely propagated by seed germination. This method is characterized by low productivity, because the seeds do not retain germination for a long time. The composition of soil for seed germination is somewhat different from the above.
The seeds are less susceptible to pathogens, so no charcoal is added to the mixture. The friability of the soil has a great influence on the successful germination. This is the reason for increasing the proportion of sand.
The optimal mixture for the germination of seeds of gardenia and other indoor plants consists of:
- 50% peat chips;
- 50% river sand.
It is important to ensure that the composition is as homogeneous as possible in order to eliminate obstructions to the sprouts and root system rudiments of germinating seeds.