Cordylina is a popular houseplant, surprisingly reminiscent of a palm tree.
Drimyopsis is a houseplant that is kept not because of the flowers: they are rather unsightly.
One of the most mysterious plants according to botanists is considered Boviea.
Dracaena is not just a pretty palm-like indoor plant: it has medicinal properties, absorbs
At home – in East Asia, aspidistra is known as a plant-pointer to snakes: reptiles
Asparagus is an ornamental indoor plant of the asparagus family. It is popular for its
Asparagus flower is familiar to everyone. Its lush crown with pointed leaves always attracts attention.
The plant is native to the southern regions of America, particularly Mexico, as well as
Asparagus occupies a place of honor among indoor plants. It is valued for its openwork
Nolina or bottle tree surprises with its original structure. Few people realize that nolina