Boviea: cultivation and care at home

One of the most mysterious plants according to botanists is considered Boviea. Recently, it can often be found in design projects, and not many people know what kind of plant it is and how to care for it, while not causing harm.


Boviea is an unusual plant belonging to the Asparagus family. It is commonly referred to as “Curly Bulb”, “Sea Cucumber”, “Curly Cucumber”, “Creeping Bulb” and the list is by no means exhaustive.

bovia curly

Nature has given this plant a rather unusual appearance: from a rather large bulb, shaped more like a turnip from a fairy tale, which rises above the soil, grows many small shoots with thin stems. The bulb can be over 30 centimeters in diameter. Contrary to expectations, it has a flattened shape and does not go deep into the soil.

The adult shoots resemble long, repeatedly intertwined curls. The foliage is virtually absent; instead the stems are studded with small flowers of lettuce and white shades resembling small stars. The flowers do not exceed eight millimeters in diameter. Despite the size of the bulb, Boviea also has the resources to develop a strong root system. Its roots are quite dense and strong.

Boviea: cultivation and care at homeThis plant got its interesting name thanks to its discoverer, an Englishman – James Bowie, who almost two hundred years ago, thanks to the inquisitiveness of his mind and love for rare plants, in the process of studying the botanical gardens of the royal family and compiling a collection, brought out this type of plant.

Boviea is thought to be native to the hot continent of Africa. Yet the plant has adapted to exist safely in both hot, arid areas and in humid environments near bodies of water. Although Boviea has a fairly large classification, there is only one species you can admire in your window – Bowiea volubilis.

Care Features

Bowiea is quite a delicate plant and requires gentle care. This fact is due to the fact that its “bulbous” heart, which gives life to the shoots, is covered with the most delicate plates, resembling scales. In nature, because of the hot climate, these scales dry out, becoming brownish in color, but in the home they retain moisture and look green for quite a long time. Considering that no more than two scales appear per year, and the total number of scales does not exceed ten, you must be very careful with the bulb during the care of the plant, because one awkward movement and excessive physical impact on the bulb, can destroy these fragile plates, as a result of which the plant will die.

When caring for Boviea, follow some simple rules:

  1. Avoid direct sunlight. This plant likes moderate light. Do not place it directly on the windowsill, better place the pot next to the window, and preferably the northwest side.
  2. Choose a comfortable pot. Due to the fact that the bulb can reach a fairly large size, it needs quite a lot of space and the pot should be chosen with a small margin.
  3. Watch the acidity. Bovia does not tolerate acidic soil.
  4. Provide drainage. Excessive moisture can be destructive for Boviea, because if it accumulates in the pot, the roots of the plant begin to rot.
  5. Do not over water. This rule is directly related to the previous point. Too much water is not good for you. Water only when the topsoil is completely dry.
  6. Control the temperature. Depending on how active the plant is, it needs different temperatures. During vegetation it should be between 22 and 26 degrees Celsius, and not more than 15 degrees Celsius during the resting period.
  7. Do not be overzealous with fertilization. It is advised to fertilize Bovia no more often than once every 8-9 weeks.
  8. Avoid getting liquid on the surface of the bulb when watering. From excessive moisture, it as well as the roots can be subjected to the process of rotting.
  9. Take care of the shoots. Mount the shoots on a wire shelf.


As for transplanting, it is carried out only if absolutely necessary. Basically, when the pot is no longer able to accommodate the bulb. At the same time, this process should preferably be carried out during the dormant period of the plant, which occurs in the spring. The bulb should not be placed completely in the soil. For comfort and sustenance, the bulb should be at least one-third of its height above the soil level. A light, loose soil should be used that will easily allow moisture to pass through. For the same purpose, drainage in the form of expanded clay should be placed in the bottom of the pot.


Bovia is able to increase its population in several ways. The first of them is bulbous, and the second is by seed.

Boviea: cultivation and care at homeIn the bulb method, you must first separate the baby bulb from the mother adult bulb. Then it is carefully planted in a pot, following all the techniques, as in relation to the adult bulb.

In the case of propagation by seeds, they must be collected from the bolls, which from time to time are formed after flowering. In this case, the life span of the seeds is not long and they should be planted in the ground as soon as possible after collection. Then they are placed to a shallow depth in the soil, which should be sufficiently moist. For a greenhouse effect, the soil can be covered with glass or put a special moss on top. If all instructions are followed, the seed will germinate in 4-5 weeks. The shell of the seed, which is on top of the sprout, should not be removed on its own, otherwise the sprout may die.

Do not worry if the sprouts take a fading appearance. This is due to the cycle of development. During dormancy, the top of both the budding and the adult plant wilts.

The plant will flower in its third year.

Diseases and pests

Pests in relation to Boviea are quite indifferent and occur very rarely, which cannot be said about improper care.

The main problem is untimely and excessive watering, as a result of which the roots of Boviea begin to rot and the plant slowly but surely fades.

In addition to the above, strong direct sunlight can have a devastating effect. The stems will turn yellow and dry out quickly.

bovia curly

Not many people know that Bovia is quite a toxic plant. If its sap enters the body, it can have a negative effect on the function of the heart. For the skin, ingestion of Bovia sap is fraught with long-term irritation. Paradoxically, Bovia is very often used for pharmaceutical purposes. It is used to make medicine that can relieve headaches. For this reason, it is almost impossible to find it in its natural habitat.

Boviea is a rather exotic plant, not everyone is able to appreciate its appearance. At the same time it has a unique botanical charisma, bringing with its presence to any interior a bright highlight.

A vegetable garden on a windowsill
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