Pumpkin Flowers
Breeding garden crops is not just a pleasant pastime, but also a real art that requires
Begonia ornamental-leaved is one of the varieties of the plant, known along with flowering
Begonia is an extensive genus of plants in the Begonia family, including grasses, shrubs, and semi-shrubs.
The characteristic difference of begonia is a variety of colors. Surprisingly beautiful
Begonia is a genus of tropical annuals and perennials belonging to the Begonia family.
As you know, there are ornamental foliage and ornamental flowering, tuberous and root begonias.
The ornamental-leaved begonia, which has a huge number of species, has become by right
Begonia is a plant that belongs to the begonia family. In total, there are about 900 species.
The extensive begonia family includes ornamental-leaved and flowering begonias, many of
In honor of the second flowering, which comes in winter, elatior is called the winter begonia.
Tiger begonia is quite common in home collections of florists. It is valued for its decorative
Most ornamental-flowering begonias belong to the numerous group of tuberous species.