Begonia is a genus of tropical annuals and perennials belonging to the Begonia family. Currently, there are more than two thousand of its varieties: bushes, semi-bushes, flowers. Under natural conditions it can grow in gorges and on old trees. Its size ranges from fifty millimeters and up to two meters in height.
For its variety of forms and colors, this flower is very beloved by gardeners and flower connoisseurs. In our regions, this plant is cultivated both at home and outdoors. With their help they decorate squares, park areas, gardens, as well as stores, galleries and other premises.
Indoor begonias are subdivided into subspecies: ornamental – deciduous, ornamental – flowering and bush. Very spectacular and unusual looks begonia red-leaved.
Description of flower varieties
Chic flower, which is easy to grow at home, has a wide stem and red-colored foliage. Depending on the variety, the size, shape and structure of the leaf and inflorescences may vary.
The above type of begonia is represented by such varieties:
- Red Bull. It has a bush-like shape with a fleshy, recumbent stem that is slightly pubescent. The leaf is large, irregularly toothed, pointed upward with a slightly wavy edge. It has a deep burgundy color with a silver tint. Blossoms infrequently with pinkish-white, unsightly flowers. Gained popularity because of its luxurious foliage.
- Red Kiss. A small crop with bright crimson, almost red leaves of round shape, with a characteristic pearlescent cast. In the center of the leaf plate you can see a black spider-like pattern, along the edge – the same rim. Blooms with modest pink inflorescences. Not fastidious in care, easy to propagate. Very unusually looks in a composition with other begonia varieties. To create a lushness it can be planted three plants in a wide pot.
- Regal Minuet. thick foliage plate of a pearly cherry hue, with a brown-red spider visible in the middle. The edges are framed by a dark red border. In bright, diffuse light, the shade of the leaves changes. It becomes brighter by several tones. To create the effect of “fluffiness” three – four stubs are planted in a container.
- Begonia rex. Is a hybrid form. The soft deciduous part has divorces of different color spectrum: green, pink, silver, red, black. Various subspecies of this begonia surprise with their decorative leaves (in mottles, stripes, spots). The root is creeping. From it depart straight or stalking type shoots. The pink flower stalks are large and can be macerate or semi-macerate, but against the backdrop of a variety of colors of leaves seems rather unassuming.
- Begonia feastii. This strain of red-leaved begonia gets its name from its maroon or red inner side of smooth glossy oval leaves of slightly slanting shape. Their edges may be serrated (or not). The plate is up to twelve centimeters wide and up to fifteen centimeters long. The shoot is short, wide, tightly pressed to the bottom, with an emerald hue. Branches are bare and light-colored. Inflorescences are miniature, pinkish, paniculate in shape. The height of the plant reaches twenty-five centimeters.
Care in home conditions
It is noteworthy that all of the above varieties have an unusually strong viability. Even the small parts of the leaf in water produce roots.
Despite its unpretentiousness, begonia red, like all crops, requires attention and care. It needs to be timely watered and nourished.
In general, it is not difficult to take care of it, the main thing is to adhere to the basic points of cultivation:
- Lighting. It grows well in well-lit rooms with scattered sunlight. It also withstands the conditions of penumbra and short-term shade. In the sun, it is shaded, as direct exposure to the rays leaves burns on the leaves, and begonia begins to burn out. In cases of insufficient light, the flower loses its decorativeness and becomes pale. Therefore, flower pots are recommended to place on the western and eastern windowsills with in the house. To avoid the lack of light in the winter, it is recommended to use artificial dosklyuchivanie.
- Temperature regime and air humidity. The optimal room temperature for the full development of culture is between fifteen and twenty-two degrees Celsius. Its decrease below the minimum recommended from the mark (+15 degrees Celsius) leads to the death of the flower. The mode of humidity in the room should be elevated (up to sixty percent).
- Watering. The soil is moistened as it dries out – about once every seven days. Some subspecies of begonia require spraying. The air around the plant is sprayed with tap water. It is not recommended to overwater the flower, because there is a possibility of infection with powdery mildew.
- In winter, i.e. during the dormant period, water once every ten to fourteen days. Feeding is reduced to once every thirty days.
- Fertilizing. It is recommended to apply fertilizers once a month. Use liquid mineral fertilizer or a mixture of organic matter (such as manure or poultry manure). Grated banana, lemon and orange peels, onion peels, brewed tea and ashes can be used as fertilizer.
To get air to the root system, the earth mixture in the container is periodically loosened. Remember that begonia redleaf is negative to draughts and winds. After each rearrangement of the planting container to another place, it very slowly “goes away”.
All varieties of begonia red can adapt to any conditions and overcome short-term difficulties. At the same time, they respond quite readily to proper care and delight their owners with a gorgeous unparalleled decorative appearance.
Propagation and transplanting
Begonia redleaf is propagated by cuttings. In water, the petioles are very easy to root. To begin with, a twig is taken and cut into several pieces (six to nine centimeters each), put in water for ten to fifteen days. The water is periodically changed.
After the emergence of a developed root system, sprouts are planted in containers with a soil mixture prepared in equal proportions: compost soil, peat, sand, mineral fertilizers. After planting, it is categorically not recommended to knead (stamp) the soil, it must always be loose. Propagation of Begonia feastii can take place not only by cuttings, but also by leaves.
Transplanting young red-leaved begonia is carried out annually before or after flowering. Adult – once every 3 – 4 years.
At the bottom of the vase necessarily put a layer of expanded clay, which acts as drainage. After transplanting, the plant needs abundant watering.
To achieve long-lasting flowering, it is recommended to remove the wilted flower stalks. After such a procedure, the plant will direct all its energies to the setting of new inflorescences. If you make a little effort, surround the begonia with attention, it will certainly enjoy its beauty for more than one year.
Pests and Diseases
If mistakes are made in the care of the culture, the following pathologies can be observed: ring spot, bacterial spotting, powdery mildew and other diseases.
Signs of powdery mildew are: a whitish patina on the leaves and stem, curled leaves, deformation, desiccation or non-blooming inflorescences. As preventive measures, constant ventilation of the room and regular fertilization are necessary.
The most dangerous of these is considered gray (root) rot. It is usually preceded by abundant watering, high humidity, lack of drainage. It affects the root system. Visually it is manifested in the appearance of mold. To get rid of this disease, it is necessary to remove the affected parts at the initial stage.
The plant can be affected by powdery mildew, which is located in the leaf axils and looks like rough curls. This insect creates a fluffy web. Because of this, it is also called the furry aphid. It is caused by the accumulation of dirt and dust on the flower.