Kohleria is an example of a tropical plant, not yet very familiar to domestic florists.
The clerodendrum is a tropical plant long known to florists and landscapers.
Among indoor plants there are not only compact plants that easily fit on the windowsill.
Calceolaria is a spectacular plant with unusual flowers native to South America.
Real amateur florists often grow quite exotic plants in room conditions.
Not all indoor plants are kept because of beautiful flowering: some stand out advantageously
Small lush bushes with variegated flowers on the background of dark green leaves, which
Many flower growers strive to recreate real tropical thickets in their apartments.
Among flowering room flowers, gloxinia takes the leading position, thanks to the variety
Gloxinia (or synningia) is one of the most beautiful and favorite plants grown at home.
Achimenez (lat. Achiménes) is widely recognized for its lush and abundant flowering.
Budra ivy is a creeping plant of the blue-flowered family covered with small blue or blue-violet flowers.