Budra ivy is a creeping plant of the blue-flowered family covered with small blue or blue-violet flowers. Habitat of the herbaceous shrub – is the majority of regions in Eurasia and North America. It is also distributed in our area, thanks to experienced floriculturists. It can be found in river mouths, deciduous forests, meadows, marshes and even in the outskirts of cities.
Description and origin of budwort
A perennial creeping plant, this is what the budwort is. Its bush reaches a diameter of 1.5 meters. And shoots are 10 to 15 cm high, they are long, quadrangular in shape, have root suction cups, with which the plant is rooted along its entire length.
Budra leaves are rounded, heart-shaped and serrated along the edge, framed by a short tuft. The greens appear in two stages. The plant throws out the first wave of leaves before blossoming, in April, and the second wave after the flowers have blossomed and keeps on growing until the first frost.
The flowers are characteristic of her family, are bidentate and light lilac or blue in color. They form inflorescences at the base of leaves in the number of 2-6. The beginning of flowering occurs in May and lasts all summer.
Garden cultivation and care
Spruce ivy is cultivated in gardens, homesteads and flowerbeds as groundcover that prevents the soil from drying out. Inhibits the growth and development of weeds and is a great ornamental piece of garden furniture. Due to its creeping properties, it quickly fills in empty gaps. If boudra grass creates problems with its uncontrolled growth, it can be stopped by cutting unwanted shoots in time.
The plant itself is not fastidious, and its cultivation does not require special care or special conditions. It feels good in the shade and in the sun. It is undemanding to the soil and can grow on ordinary garden soil. Profuse watering it does not require, enough 2 – 3 times a week.
In hot weather, ivywood needs spraying of the leaves. Otherwise, the sun and scorching rays will destroy it.
Frost-resistant plant in a covering material for the winter period does not need. But for all its unpretentiousness and resilience, more active “green neighbors” can suppress the development of budwort.
Also the climbing plant can be grown in a vase as an ampelous plant. The first thing to plant should be a cuttings. The soil for it should be light and not dense, consisting of garden soil, peat and coarse sand. The vase should be covered with a film, creating a greenhouse effect, take it to the veranda or a bright window.Once the sprout takes root, the pot is put in a permanent place of residence.
The grass is perfectly tolerant of growing in a pot outside, but if there is a drop in temperature below plus 10 degrees Celsius, it should be brought indoors.
The plant is propagated without much effort: by seed and cuttings. Budra ivy is planted in the soil with seeds before the onset of cold weather or in early spring. You can use polyethylene film to warm the seeds. Non-flowering cuttings 15 cm long are selected and can be planted throughout the summer.
On the prepared cuttings you need to remove the lower leaves and put a container with water. After some time, thin roots appear on the stems. Thanks to its ability to root quickly, the grass budroots instantly take root in a new place. When planting, peat and sand are added in equal parts to the hole and water is abundantly poured.
Budra ivy, as well as any representative of the flora, needs useful substances. During the active period of growth and vegetation, which lasts from May to August, the plant should be fertilized with mineral fertilizers of general action or biological preparations.
Budra grass does not need to be replanted and it is not recommended to disturb it. If there is a need to change the place of planting, the shoots are cut and the bush is dug out entirely. Together with an earthy root ball, ivy grass should be transferred to the prepared hole.
Pests and diseases
The shrub is very resistant by nature and little susceptible to disease and pest attack. But under some unfavorable factors, ivywood is affected by spider mite or whitefly. You can fight the parasites with both special preparations and home remedies.
In particular, an infusion of celandine can be sprayed on the shrub or water the soil under it. If the grass is growing in pots, from overwatering can appear powdery mildew. A topical fungicide can help.
Chemical composition of the plant
Research has confirmed many years of experience in traditional medicine regarding the therapeutic benefits of glechoma hederacea, or ground ivy. This plant is a real treasure trove of beneficial substances for the human body, essential oils, acids, macro- and microelements.
A more in-depth study revealed such elements as:
- Free-acting amino acids and methionine;
- essential oils and choline;
- flavonoids and bioflavonoids;
- alkaloids,
- caffeic and tartaric acids, succinic and acetic, ferulic and synaptic, phenolcarbonic and p-coumaric, fatty and ascorbic acids;
- cysteine and resins;
- gum and vitamin C;
- bitterness and saponins;
- methionine and carotene.
Also budra ivy has in its composition molebden, iron, zinc, titanium, selenium and manganese. The richest and most diverse number of components in this herb allows to cure many diseases and alleviate the condition of the patient. The cultivation of this herb has long been cultivated and it has become an important medicinal plant.
Burda ivy and a description of the conditions will help beginners and experienced gardeners to plant a beautiful, green miracle on their plot. It will fit perfectly into any landscape design and beautify the garden.
Growing budwort as an ampelic plant can help in decorating balconies, windows and porches. Beautifully looks buddle grass in a general flower composition and attracts attention with its appearance. And planting the plant in the same pot with flowers whose characteristics are similar to it, will give an unexpected visual effect.