Tomato Watercolor: description, cultivation features

томат акварель фото

Tomato Aquarelle is well known to domestic gardeners: it is an example of an easy-to-care universal variety. Its yield, unfortunately, is not very high, but the formula “plant and forget” can be applied to the plant: labor-intensive operations such as shaping and tying bushes are not required, and the tomato gets sick very rarely.


This variety was registered in the State Register of Breeding Achievements of the Russian Federation in 2008 by the Novosibirsk scientists of the Institute of Cytology and Genetics, Siberian Branch of RAS. Almost all tomato varieties and hybrids appearing beyond the Urals are highly cold-resistant, designed primarily for regions with cold climates. However, the Aquarelle tomato is approved for cultivation almost throughout the country: both in Siberia and in the Urals, and in the entire European territory, from the Northern to the North Caucasus region. It is intended for private subsidiary farms, mainly grown in the open ground. Indeed, it is unprofitable to occupy greenhouses with such stunted bushes: it loses the useful volume of the structure.

The plant belongs to the number of determinant, moreover, boles. This means that with a small height of the bush (up to half a meter) it has a powerful massive stem, so the plant looks like a small compact tree, not requiring tying to supports. Only in case of large harvests, the fruits may come into contact with the soil, but in such a case it is easier to put clean straw under the bushes. Leaves of usual size, dark green. After the 4th or 5th leaf, the first flower-brush may already appear. In it, as in the subsequent, can form up to 6-8 tomatoes.

The fruits have a plum-shaped (elliptical) shape, smooth, dense, ripen in the medium term. They are level: almost equal in size, not large, weighing from 40 to 55 g. At maturity, the color of the fruit is red, with a yellowish spot around the stalk. Seed chambers two or three, seeds a little, fleshy, dense. Taste is sweet, recognized as excellent, directions of use – both in salads and for whole-fruit canning.

Tomato Watercolor: description, cultivation features

The yield of the variety, according to the official document, is about 2 kg/m2, but some amateurs claim that with careful care, this figure can be tripled. Machine harvesting is possible when growing in the field. Fruit cracking is not noted for the variety, resistance to diseases is high. The harvest endures transportation well, but long-term storage is not allowed. However, the tomatoes can last 3-4 weeks in the refrigerator.

Pros and cons of the variety

Tomato Aquarelle is popular with both gardeners and farmers, because it has many indisputable advantages, in particular:

  • unpretentious in care;
  • Can grow in any climate;
  • fruits have an excellent presentation;
  • the taste is excellent;
  • the plant is very rarely sick;
  • the crop is well tolerated for transportation;
  • harvesting can be mechanized;
  • variety is universal in use.

A relative disadvantage is considered too tough skin. It allows the fruits not to spoil during transportation, but some people do not like it when the tomato has to be “bit”, although the density of the skin does not negatively affect the excellent taste qualities.

Cultivation features

Tomato Watercolor can be recommended to dacha owners who have little free time. It does not need a greenhouse in most regions, it does not require stakes for garter, it does not constantly have to be spiked. Such varieties are also good for industrial cultivation.

Since the tomato does not belong to the early maturing, direct sowing of seeds into the bed is possible only in the southernmost regions. The cultivation of seedlings begins two months before the expected planting of it in the bed. The seedlings usually grow chunky even when grown in a common box without picking, although this procedure is desirable. Its planting in the ground is carried out at the usual time, on 1 square meter place 5-6, and in some cases 8 plants (although with compacted planting, you should not expect a significant increase in yield).

Shaping the bush is not required, watering and fertilizing are carried out according to the usual schemes. Tomatoes are removed both in the stage of full maturity and slightly unripe, but the really tasty are those fruits that ripened on the bushes under the sun.

Tomato Watercolor is convenient to grow because its bushes are compact, not afraid of abrupt changes in the weather. The fruits are not large: their shape and size are ideal for canning in standard jars, but because they are very tasty, they are gladly eaten fresh as well, as they say, “for one bite”.

A vegetable garden on a windowsill
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