Tomato Aisberg: description, pros and cons, growing peculiarities

Every year, up to a hundred new tomato varieties and hybrids appear on the market, many of which do not have time to be registered in the State Register of the Russian Federation. In this regard, information about such varieties can be very contradictory: what is written on the seed package is not always confirmed by experience. For example, the Aisberg tomato from the agricultural company “Sedek” is positioned as a determinant variety, but some amateur gardeners on forums report that the bush grows up to two meters. However, the taste qualities of the fruits are always rated as excellent.


Black Iceberg tomato is registered in the State Register of the Russian Federation, but it has nothing in common with the variety in question. Tomato Aisberg is presented by the manufacturer as an early maturing variety of determinant type, intended primarily for cultivation in the open ground of regions with cool climates. The bush grows to a maximum of 80 cm, after which its growth stops. The bush is branched, with the first flower raceme being formed above 6-7 leaves, then every 1-2 leaves. In total, up to 6 racemes with fruit can be formed. It is preferable to form the plant in 2 or 3 stems.

The first fruits are ready for consumption in 3 months after sprouting. Depending on weather conditions, the growing season may be very short or continue through the fall. Yield, for a determinant variety, is high: up to 4 kg of tomatoes per bush in unprotected soil. Fruits are quite large, weighing up to 200 g, flat-round shape. At the same time, despite the fact that the packaging of seeds from “Sedek” depicts the fruits almost smooth, most gardeners describe them as ribbed. The color is red, the consistency is dense, the seed chambers are many, but there are few seeds (“one meat”). The taste is recognized by most lovers as excellent, with a predominance of sweetness.

Early fruiting implies, first of all, the salad purpose of tomatoes, but since they are fleshy, the excess of the crop can be transferred to juice or tomato paste. Like most dense fruits, they transport well and store well. Phytophthora, as a rule, does not have time to affect the Aisberg tomato, and it has medium resistance to other diseases.

Pros and cons of the variety

The manufacturer of the seeds as the main advantages of the variety indicates:

  • cold resistance and tolerance to temperature fluctuations;
  • density of fruits;
  • high marketability;
  • unpretentiousness.

It is assumed that not only gardeners, but also farmers growing tomatoes for sale may be interested in Aisberg. Gardeners add to the list of advantages of the variety also:

  • compactness of the plant;
  • early maturation;
  • high yield;
  • excellent taste;
  • balanced sugars and acids, rich aroma;
  • good transportability of the crop.

Despite the recommendation of forming and tying the bush, gardeners note that it is possible to do without these procedures.

As disadvantages are mentioned:

  • low resistance to most tomato diseases;
  • susceptibility to pest attacks.

Aisberg – one of the few varieties successfully cultivated in northern regions.

Cultivation peculiarities

The variety is characterized by ease of care. Seeds are sown 50-55 days before planting seedlings in the ground, that is, not before April. Care for seedlings is usual. Despite the determinant, a square meter is not recommended to have more than 4-5 plants, as bushes are considerably spread out in width, but those who like to save space sometimes bring this figure up to 7. In cold regions, planted seedlings are covered for the first time, having arranged the arcs, with non-woven materials.

The irrigation schedule is usual, the number of fertilizers for a short growing season often does not exceed two. It is better not to neglect the tying of plants, although the stems of Iceberg and strong: they may not hold the ripening harvest. The bush is formed in 2-3 stems, and subsequently, the grafting is moderate. Disease prevention consists in using Phytosporin according to the instructions.

Tomato Aisberg is a good find for regions with problematic climates. It can grow in the open ground, early gives high yields of tasty tomatoes. It is not difficult to take care of the bushes; the fruits are used primarily in fresh form.

A vegetable garden on a windowsill
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