Washingtonia nitinosa: how to take care of the plant

palms Washingtonia nitinosa: how to take care of the plant

There are two varieties of Washingtonia palms: Nitrous (Nitenose) and Robusta. The most famous of these is considered Washingtonia filifera. It is an exotic perennial, woody plant that is widespread in the western regions of Mexico and Arizona, as well as the southern California coast. In the natural environment, entire palm groves can be observed.

At home all its parts (leaves, berries, petioles) are in full use. From the leafy plates are woven shoes (sandals), baskets, mats and awnings. Seeds are used to make flour, which is used in cooking. The petioles are used as food both boiled and raw.

As an ornamental plant, Washingtonia filamentosa is used in many countries of the temperate climate zone. Due to its attractive appearance and hardiness, it is cultivated to decorate park areas, alleys and lawns.

Flower description

The Washingtonia filifera palm is an erect evergreen tree, reaching in the wild up to twenty-five meters in height with a trunk diameter of up to six meters. The deciduous part is large, starting almost in the middle, dissected into lobes. Sometimes their number reaches 80 – 90 pieces. It has a green color with a grayish hue. The leaf length can be up to two hundred centimeters.

Washingtonia nitinosa: how to take care of the plant

Visually, it looks very much like an unfolded opal. The edges are framed by thin white threads. It is held on short, smooth stalks, with small bent spikes along the edge. After withering, the leaves droop to the ground and create the effect of a tree in a skirt. Many small birds, invertebrates and rodents shelter and live in it.

During flowering, the palm forms white panicle-shaped inflorescences attached to an elongated flower stalk. Due to the fact that the flowers are both female and male, they are self-pollinated. As a result of maturation under natural conditions, black berries with brown seeds inside can be observed. It is noteworthy that in domestic conditions the release of “panicles” is absent.

Care of the plant

Despite the fact that this plant is quite powerful, it is successfully used for the design of the park area, offices, stores and other enclosed areas. Washingtonia is a subtropical crop, so the conditions of its maintenance should be close to the real one.

Temperature range

The palm does not badly tolerate temperature and humidity fluctuations. Only badly reacts to rains of a prolonged nature. They can cause the death of the growth point.

In spring and summer the optimal conditions for its maintenance from +20 °C to +25 °C. Higher temperatures are detrimental to the tree. In such cases, it should be provided with a slightly cooler room, spray and moisten the ground lump.

The temperature during the winter should not drop below -10 °C. If it drops lower, the palm may not die, but the leaves will fall off completely. It should be noted that they quickly grow with the onset of warm days and maintaining optimal conditions. A comfortable temperature regime in winter is six to fifteen degrees Celsius.


Washingtonia nitensisA container with an ornamental culture is placed in the brightest part of the room. However, the light should be diffused, without direct sunlight. Specialists recommend allocating windows facing west or east. In summer, the palm is taken to the garden, terrace or balcony.

Periodically, it is advised to turn the frame to the source of light by different sides, thus creating conditions for even development of the crown.

Washingtonia filamentosa also grows well in the shade, but it develops more slowly in such conditions. The leaf plate with a lack of light can be fragile and more elongated. As additional supplementary light, daylight lamps are used. Lighting should be good in winter as well.

Watering features

In summer, moistening is done as the soil dries out with warm chlorine-free daily water. About once every seven days. In winter, watering is reduced.

Humidity in the room should be about 70 – 85%. Spraying is done daily. Leaves are occasionally wiped from dust with a damp cloth. Every week arrange a palm “shower” procedure. In hot weather it would not be out of place near the container with a tree to install a tub of water. It is important to remember that excessive overwatering also has a detrimental effect.


When growing at home for the full development requires regular feeding, which is done from mid-spring to early autumn every fourteen days. Fertilize with mineral fertilizers containing large amounts of iron (for palms, dracaena, yucca). They can be bought.


It is recommended to cut off the deciduous part even before it is completely dry. If this is not done in time, the dried foliage can no longer be trimmed, it will hang down spectacularly around the tree.

Growing from seed

Propagate Washingtonia filifera only by seed. In this case, it is necessary to have patience, since this process is quite long. The best option is to sow freshly harvested seed. The longer the time has passed since it was collected, the longer the germination period.

The sowing process is recommended to perform in the spring time (better in March). To accelerate the emergence of seedlings gently cut with a sharp object (you can file) and leave in water for up to seven days.

At the same time daily change it. Sowing is performed in a preliminarily decontaminated soil mixture. Its composition may vary slightly, but the basic components remain the same: sand, moss, sawdust in equal parts. The seed is deepened no more than one centimeter and moistened.

The container is covered with glass or plastic film. The favorable temperature for growing is +28 °C. Ventilate the improvised greenhouse every day to prevent rotting.

Washingtonia nitinosa: how to take care of the plant

The first sprouts can be seen after twenty to thirty days. However, this time can be delayed due to stale seeds or non-compliance with the rules of their storage. As soon as the first “loops” appear, the greenhouse is moved to a bright place.

After the first leaf appears, proceed to picking palmots in separate pots. All manipulations are performed very carefully, without breaking the cotyledons and damaging the root part. During the growth period, periodically carry out feedings with complex fertilizers.

With proper care, planted palms quite intensively begin to build up green mass. In a year from the time of sprouting, you will be able to observe about four to five true leaves. After the appearance of the eighth leaf, the deciduous plates are segmented and become fan-shaped.

Based on the above, we can conclude that it is not very difficult to grow a nitacha palm from seeds. The main thing is to have patience and put a little effort.


In the form of transplanting is recommended to produce in a larger container, following the following schedule:

  • Up to seven years old – once every two years,
  • From eight to fifteen every three years,
  • After fifteen once every four to five years.

The bottom of the planting container in a mandatory manner be covered with a layer of drainage. Its height should be at least three centimeters. With care, install the plant, cover it with earth, tamping it down. If the palm has already grown too much, then change the top layer of soil mixture.

During planting, all attention is paid not only to the integrity of the root system, but also to the leaves. Their damage leads to partial or complete desiccation of the plate.

Diseases and pests

Mistakes in the maintenance of beauties lead to the appearance of various kinds of insects (powdery worms, mites, scales). They in the process of life begin to suck all the juices out of her. Pest control consists of washing the affected areas with soap and water and applying insecticides such as Fytoverm and Aktellik.

Plant diseases are provoked, as a rule, by violation of agrotechnics. If leaf and root rot appears, the affected areas are removed, treated with Topaz, Hom and other fungicidal preparations.

Withered leaf plate tips may indicate insufficient moisture, lack of potassium, or natural wilting.

A vegetable garden on a windowsill
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