The time when hydrangea panicle blooms

на какой год зацветет гортензия метельчатая

Hydrangea can be grown both indoors and in the garden. Thanks to the huge inflorescences that decorate the green bush, the garden is transformed. Long-lasting and colorful blooms of hydrangeas are appreciated by amateurs and professionals. But quite often it happens that the plant does not bloom after planting. This can occur for many reasons.

Variety description

Hydrangea panicula belongs to the family Hortenseae. Found naturally in China, Korea, North America, the Philippines and the Himalayas. In this family there are more than 70 different varieties with their own differences and peculiarities.

 When hydrangea panicle blooms

The hydrangea is a tree or shrub, which can grow to a height of ten meters.

The leaves are elliptic or ovate in shape and reach 12 centimeters in length. The broadly pyramidal panicles (inflorescences) consist of fairly large sterile flowers (2.5 cm in diameter) that turn from greenish-white to pinkish as they bloom, as well as small fruiting white flowers.

What it takes to flower well

Many novice gardeners are interested in the question of when hydrangea panicle blooms. Usually, the process of blooming in hydrangeas begins in early summer and is rolled up only before the first frosts.

Sometimes flower lovers complain that the bush does not bloom and continues to stand without inflorescences. This can be influenced by many factors. For example, it is important to know in what year the selected hydrangea variety usually blooms. This type of shrub begins to flower only 4-5 years after planting, and that only if the plant is properly cared for. Therefore, you should not expect beautiful flowers earlier.

Hydrangea panicula when it blooms

In order for the hydrangea to enjoy its lush color, it is necessary to provide good conditions for the plant:


For the good development of the plant, you need to choose the right planting place. Hydrangea likes diffused and fairly abundant light. Therefore, it is optimal to plant the bush in a slightly darkened place. It is better if the sun shines on the hydrangea in the first half, and in the afternoon it is covered, so that the sun’s rays do not burn the leaves. Exposure to sunlight can cause the plant to burn and fade.


With proper planting and soil selection, the hydrangea will enjoy its inflorescences every year. In this case, you will be able to adjust the color of the petals, slightly changing the composition of the soil. Plant the plant should be planted in early April in a soil mixture, the composition of which is quite simple. For its preparation, you need to take two parts each of humus and chernozem and one part each of peat and sand. The distance between the bushes should be at least 1.5 meters. In 4-5 years, they should be replanted again, and then the distance should already be at least 2.5 meters. In this case, it is recommended to plant hydrangeas away from trees, which can absorb all the moisture from the ground. For quality flowering, you need loose, acidified soil, fertilized with humus.


It is very important to stick to the fertilization scheme for hydrangeas, as overcompaction is fraught with freezing and death of the plant in the winter. Therefore, it should be remembered that in early spring, it is useful to make nitrogen fertilizers in the soil for lush flowering. In summer, it is recommended to switch to potassium fertilizers. This will eliminate the drying of flowers, prolong the period of flowering. In the fall, it is worth using phosphate fertilizers, which will help the bush to become stumpy and thus prepare for wintering.


Hydrangea is very fond of moisture. But it is very important to ensure that there is no stagnant water, which leads to rotting of the roots. Water the plant better after a complete drying of the top layer of soil. This should be done once or twice a week, depending on the air temperature. At the same time, if the soil contains clay, the number of waterings should be reduced, because such soil is poorly permeable. Water for irrigation should be rain or standing water for a few days.

Pruning and over-wintering

One of the reasons for the lack of color is the frosted buds. Therefore, it is important to properly prepare the plant for wintering. To do this, you need to cut off the leaves from the bush, collect the branches with a rope and wrap with a covering material (burlap, film). The hydrangea should then be ducked to the ground and covered with leaves or brushwood. To prevent the bush from breaking during ducking, it is best to make an earth mound near it.

Hydrangea panicle pruning

Such a procedure is mandatory for a young plant. As for pruning, it is worth remembering that hydrangeas flower only on last year’s shoots. Therefore, it is not worth pruning every year. But it is best to remove broken and withered branches in mid-spring. To thin the bush, you can remove null and non-viable shoots.

In this case, it is important to cut no more than 1-2 buds from one branch to make the hydrangea flower. Before wintering, you can cut back the dried inflorescences, but not the buds. If it is necessary to rejuvenate an old plant, then it is cut back to the stump. After just one year, Hydrangea ornamentation will be restored.


If the plant is affected by pests, the inflorescences may not appear or wither. If a spider mite appears, treat the plant with thiophos. The best way to combat powdery mildew is with a solution based on green soap, copper sulfate and water.

Pests of Hydrangea panicula

To eliminate aphids, it is recommended to use anabasin sulfate, which is diluted in water (15-20 g per 10 liters). If the hydrangea fell ill with chlorosis, then you should water it with a solution of potassium nitrate (40 g per 10 liters of water). After that, use a solution of iron sulfate in the same ratio.

Reasons for lack of color

When growing indoor hydrangeas, flowering may also be absent.

There are several reasons for this:

  • Unsuitable soil composition. It may need to be replaced with a new one.
  • Inadequate watering of the plant.
  • The room is too dark.
  • Often there are sudden changes in temperature.
  • Large age of the shrub. It is recommended to renew the shrub after 6 years.

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