Hydrangeas have made their way into gardens and parks as long-blooming shrubs. The length of time each garden hydrangea shrub blooms depends on the variety, method of pruning, and weather conditions.
Breeding research in the field of breeding new ornamental flowering hydrangea varieties lasts for about a hundred years. This explains such a wide variety of hydrangea garden varieties. Initially, there were only two or three summer months of magnificent blossom. Gradually this period has expanded to three to four months. Although, there are varieties that bloom for only one and a half to two months.
Short blooming hydrangeas differ from most varieties in their unusual decorative traits.
Hydrangea blooming calendar
Most homestead owners strive to arrange continuous flowering in their garden. The lack of reliable information about the timing of flowering is the cause of unfortunate misunderstandings. Some days the garden is in full bloom, other days there is a lack of blooming plants.
To smooth out such differences in the abundance of colors will help to choose the right variety of garden hydrangea. Fragrance lovers should take into account that hydrangea flowers do not smell, do not attract bees. Therefore, they are often planted in the entrance area or next to the windows.
Knowing when the garden hydrangea blooms, you can compensate for the lack of blooms in the garden, create a continuous succession of colors.
Hydrangeas bloom earliest in early to mid-June. Most varieties finish blooming in September. Some varieties bloom until October. It should be noted that the milder the climate, the longer the blooms last. In temperate climates, plants get more time to prepare for winter and take their time to finish blooming before the first frost.
Most of the known 80 varieties bloom from early summer to late September. There are exceptions, which are listed in the table.
Variety name June July August September October
arborescens INVINCIBELLE Spirit + +
Hydrangea macrophylla Fasan + + +
Forever and Ever Peppermint + + + +
Hydrangea macrophylla Hornly + +
Hydrangea macrophylla Libelle + + +
Hydrangea macrophylla Love + + + +
Messalina + +
Pinky Winky + +
Taube + + +
Candlelight + + + +
Mega Mindy + + + +
Phantom + + + + +
Green Racer + +
Hydrangea anomala subsp petiolaris + +
Knowing how long a particular hydrangea blooms makes it easy to decorate the garden with one or two bushes, ensuring continuous flowering from early summer to mid-autumn.
When the indoor hydrangea blooms
Garden hydrangea perfectly adapts to growing in room conditions. This is used by gardeners in northern latitudes, where frosts often occur in May and early June. For indoor flowering choose low-growing varieties. The description of each variety specifies how tall the adult plant is. Pots and tubs with plants are taken outdoors when there is a steady warmth.
The flowering period of indoor hydrangeas depends only on the variety. An excess of alkaline salts negatively affects the development of room shrubs. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly transplant plants into fresh substrate.
It is recommended to add homemade “oxidizing agents” to the soil:
- Brewed coffee;
- Tea brew;
- Citric acid solution.
When will a purchased garden hydrangea sapling bloom
There are many problems with flowering in newly purchased hydrangea seedlings. The problem with this is the intensive cultivation technique used to grow seedlings for sale. Although most varieties are capable of flowering in the same season, this does not happen very often. Flowering caused by stimulants is very depleting for the plant. Gardeners have a difficult time adapting seedlings at home.
The more intensive the stimulants used to grow flowering seedlings, the more difficult and longer the adaptation lasts. Self-flowering can be delayed by one or two years.
These plants have a “lazy” root system, accustomed to receiving nutrients with drip irrigation. Abrupt changes in soil composition should be avoided when planting a hydrangea seedling in the garden. It is not recommended to immediately place the plant in a permanent place. It is better to create him more gentle conditions. Much attention is paid to the composition of the soil, the amount of nutrients. Frequent watering and partial shade will help the plant to adapt faster.
Do not destroy the earth clod, in which the garden hydrangea seedling was sold. Fertilizing with mineral fertilizers begins immediately after planting.
The planting hole is filled with a substrate similar in composition to the industrial, to encourage the roots to grow. Over time, the root system adapts to self-nourishment and hydrangea will please with abundant flowering.
Experienced gardeners use the technique of near-root feeding, which initiates the growth of the root system. To do this, a shallow trench is dug at a distance of 20-25 centimeters from the roots. The hole is filled with decomposed manure. The plant quickly responds to the nearby fertilizer, sprouting roots into it. This technique will come in handy during the digging of the bush for replanting.
Why hydrangeas do not bloom on time
Most varieties enjoy abundant flowering throughout the summer, taking over the first month of autumn. In certain circumstances, the flowering schedule is disrupted, the plant blooms a couple of months later, or does not form flower stalks at all.
This can be caused by:
- Improper pruning;
- Frostbite shoots;
- Lack of light;
- Lack of nutrition;
- Alkalinization of the soil.
When buying a new variety of garden hydrangea, you should clarify on the shoots of which year the flower stalks are formed. Many abundant-flowering varieties set flowering buds on shoots of the first and second year. Some varieties throw out flower stems only on the shoots of the second year. It is the latter that most often disappoints with late or absent flowering.
Hydrangeas forming flower buds on shoots of the second year should be pruned particularly carefully. Removal of a large number of young shoots leads to loss, delayed flowering in the next season.
The ornamental-flowering shrub may be late with flowering after a harsh winter due to frostbite of a large number of young branches. Some gardeners recommend not removing the last inflorescences in the fall, believing that they can protect the mature bush from the cold. No objective evidence has yet been found in favor of this method.
When choosing a permanent place for hydrangeas, the availability of sunlight should be considered.
A lack of light, as well as an excess of light, has a great effect on the vegetation of the garden shrub:
- Too bright light causes constant stress. The shrub requires frequent and abundant watering. Flowering is characterized by transience and faded coloration of flowers;
- Hydrangea planted in the blind shade, safely grows green mass, but does not form flower stalks. Fertilizers, stimulants do not have the expected effect. You will have to transplant the specimen to a brighter place to get flowering.
Improper or insufficient nutrition of the root system is bound to affect the development of the above-ground part. Garden hydrangea is not able to extract nutrients from deep layers of soil, because it has a superficial root system. For the same reason, it should be regularly watered and the top layer of soil must be mulched.
It is known that most compound fertilizers contain a large proportion of nitrogen. This substance promotes plant growth. Decaro-flowering crops receiving nitrogen fertilizers build up shoots intensively and are in no hurry to set flower buds. It is allowed to apply such mineral complexes only at the beginning of vegetation, when the bush is “touching” growth after the winter.
From early to mid-May to late August, only potassium-phosphorus fertilizers, which support and prolong the flowering of garden hydrangea.
It is known that the shrub prefers acidic soils and reacts negatively to low pH levels. All nutrient substrates and organic fertilizers are characterized by high pH levels. Gradually the root system absorbs nutrients from the soil, quickly causing its alkalization.
It is advisable to periodically check the level of acidity of the soil in order to make timely corrective additions.
To this end, apply:
- Aluminum alum;
- Metal shavings;
- Chelate fertilizers.
Nice article! I love hydrangeas and was curious about how long it takes for them to flower. It’s interesting that the flowering time can vary depending on the climate and type of hydrangea. Thanks for sharing this informative post!