Growing radishes on a windowsill

Radishes are an early vegetable, usually available in the spring season. In addition to the wonderful taste qualities radish has another advantage – it is good for the body. The plant contains a lot of minerals and vitamins, which are so necessary for human health. But in winter, the prices of this vegetable can be quite high, so many are wondering how to grow it at home. Growing radishes on the windowsill is a reality? Definitely, yes.

This plant can not be called fastidious in the care, and this is another plus for fans of home gardening. Growing radishes on the windowsill can become for you not only a hobby, but also a great alternative to save the family budget. So what do you need to know to grow a good harvest?

The right conditions for radishes


In winter, it is better to choose a window oriented to the south for the location of the container with the plant. Radish loves light, and if it is not enough, then use a special lamp for extra light.

The daylight hours for a good harvest should be at least 12 hours.

Radishes on the balcony can be planted when there are no frosts, that is better to start in April-May.

Temperature regime and watering

For normal life of the plant is suitable temperature of 17-21 degrees. Maintain air humidity in a normal range. Before the cold weather, it is better to harden the seedlings. To do this, after the formation of the first sprouts, place a container with them in a room with a temperature of 7-9 degrees, and in three days again move the radish to the heat.

Such a procedure will make the seedlings immune to temperature fluctuations in the future.

When sprouts appear, water every day in moderate portions. But you should not water radishes, especially at first, so you can only harm the young, immature plants.

Container for planting

Growing radishes - planting in containersThe best way to plant this vegetable are long containers made of wood, but if you could not find wooden containers, then plastic ones will do.

The depth of such trays should be at least 5-10 centimeters. Inside suitable containers, it is better to place special plastic cassettes, which can be purchased in the store.

Each such compartment-cassette is ideal for growing one large radish root crop in it. Although you can do without the cassettes, it will not affect the harvest much. At the bottom of the containers you need to make holes for drainage of excess liquid.

The choice of soil and its fertilization

Growing radishes on a windowsillTo grow the vegetable requires a fertile soil mixture, which will be enough minerals, humus and oxygen. The easiest way is to buy a ready-made soil mixture for vegetable seedlings at a gardening store.

But you can try to prepare the soil yourself. Include in its composition forest soil, humus, garden soil and sand in the proportion 2:2:2:1. Soil from the vegetable garden should be cleaned of stones, debris and roots.

For your little home vegetable garden to please you with a great harvest, it is necessary to fertilize vegetables with organic and mineral fertilizers.

Fertilize the plants for the first time during the first week after the first sprouts have appeared. To do this, add 7 grams of superphosphate and 5 grams of potassium salt to a solution of cowpea (5 liters). A couple of weeks before harvesting ripe root crops, fertilize the soil with a solution of potassium salt (20 grams per 10 liters of water).

Planting instructions

Growing radishes at home

  1. Buy the seeds and inspect them carefully. They should not have any signs of rot, an unpleasant smell is also considered a bad sign. Seeds should be about the same size and shape. Fresh seed has a brown color, and if the color is grayish, it indicates the age of the material for planting.
  2. Soak the seeds in boiled water of pleasant temperature no higher than 34-35 degrees two days before planting them in the ground. You can add a little manganese to the liquid, so that the water turns a delicate pink shade. This procedure will help to eliminate the possibility of seed infection, and in the future it will protect the first seedlings from pests. Soaking the planting material allows you to grow tasty and healthy radishes faster.
  3. Before planting, abundantly water the prepared soil mixture, so that it is sufficiently saturated with moisture. Then plant the prepared seeds into the substrate to a depth of 2-4 centimeters.
  4. After planting, cover the container with transparent polyethylene film, so that the sprouting process will be accelerated. Instead of polyethylene, you can use a non-woven fiber fabric – snapbond. It will protect the young sprouts from low temperatures and from pest attacks. This fabric allows liquid, air and sunlight to pass well, so the sprouts will be as comfortable as possible.
  5. When the sprouts are stronger, the film or cloth is removed. Root crops mature within 3-4 weeks after the first sprouts. Make sure that the tops do not proliferate, then you will get a large and juicy root crop.


Growing radishes at homeBreeders have bred many different varieties of radishes. According to the time of formation of the root crop, they are divided into early, medium and late. The color of the fruit in different varieties can vary from red to white and yellow, its shape and size can also be different.

For growing at home, early-ripening varieties with a medium root crop are ideal. For example, these are such varieties: Zhara, Novired, Carmen, Sora, Donar F1.

If you plant radishes on the windowsill, you can get a great harvest, if you take care of it properly and do not be lazy. Good luck!

A vegetable garden on a windowsill
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  1. Валерий Влюбчак

    Some people grow mushrooms at home, some fruit, and I decided to try to grow radishes. By the way, I completely agree with what is written in the article, it will be useful for beginners in the cultivation of plants. After reading it completely I was even surprised. The author of the instructions describes exactly the same steps that I did. I myself would have written the same, correct instructions.

  2. David Parker

    This is such a great idea! I love the versatility of growing radishes on your windowsill. It’s so easy and it’s a great way to get some fresh veggies right at home. Plus, they look really nice too!
