Hydrangea paniculata early sensation is commonly called Earley Sensation hydrangea and is a variety of panicular hydrangea. The shrub got its name because of the very early start of flowering. In Russian the name sounds like “early sensation”.
Description of the species
Earli sensation (lat. early sensation) is one of the many varieties of panicle hydrangea (lat. hydrangea paniculata).
An adult specimen of early sensation hydrangea is a nearly two-meter shrub.
Under normal circumstances, the height of a flowering shrub is 1.5 to 1.8 meters. The early sensation species is widely used by landscape designers along with other hydrangea paniculata both for individual planting and as part of an ever-flowering garden.
Earley sensation blooms reminiscent of lilacs, with the difference that it lasts all summer.
Early sensation differs from other varieties of panicle hydrangea in its earlier blooming time. The first bunches of soft pink flowers open in early June. Early sensation blooms for three to four months, almost until the first night frosts in September.
The inflorescences of Early sensation, like those of many hydrangea paniculata, are gathered in loose tassels. The size of individual flowers reaches three to five centimeters in diameter. The diameter of the globular tassels varies in the range of 20-30 centimeters. The high ornamental value of the shrub is due to the varying range of inflorescences.
At the beginning of flowering the brushes are colored in delicate pink shades. Over time, the coloring of the flowers becomes more intense, reaching a dark purple range at the end of summer. At the peak of blossoming the pink foam almost completely hides the green foliage.
The early sensation species has a high index of frost resistance.
The ornamental flowering shrub is not afraid of cold snaps down to -29°C. Early sensation perfectly winters without special covering, continuing its annual exuberant flowering.
Peculiarities of growing Earley Sensachene
“Early Sensation” is perfectly adapted for growing in temperate climates. According to the testimony of experienced flower growers, the life expectancy of Earley Sensation can reach 50-60 years. This fact requires careful attention to the choice of a permanent place when planting a young seedling.
The species early sensation melodiate hydrangea, as well as other types of decorative shrubs prefer weakly acidic nutritious soil.
Favorable site selection factors may include:
- Soil with a slightly acidic reaction;
- Moderate soil moisture;
- Absence of draughts;
- Eastern or western orientation of light;
- The distance to the nearest building is 1.5 meters.
Keep in mind that in the dense shade of architectural elements hydrangea early sensation panicle hydrangea does not bloom.
The superficial lobed root system is not capable of independently providing the above-ground part with moisture. The garden shrub needs regular watering, starting from the period of flower bud formation.
It is important not to neglect mulching the soil around the hydrangea shrub.
In normal weather, hydrangeas are watered twice a week with soft water. Hard tap water quickly alkalizes the soil. During the dry season, water every two to three days. During rainy, cool summers, watering is reduced to prevent waterlogging of the soil.
Pruning Earley Sensachen.
Early sensation hydrangeas undergo annual seasonal pruning. The shoots are shortened before the sap starts to swell and the buds swell. The length of all shoots of the garden shrub is reduced by one-third or more. First of all, the branches growing inside the crown and damaged during the winter are removed.
Flower buds of Earley Sensacion hydrangea are laid on the shoots of the current and last year, which should be taken into account during seasonal pruning.
The shrub regains its original volume of above-ground parts very quickly. Pruning is necessary to maintain abundant flowering, disease prevention and resistance to garden pests. Gardeners often use leftover shoots after pruning to breed hydrangeas. Single-wooded cuttings of the ornamental shrub have an almost 100% rooting rate.
Overwintering Senseishen Hydrangea.
The panicle hydrangea early sensation differs from its brethren in its high acclimatization. Mature specimens tolerate short-term cold snaps down to -29°C. In harsher climates, the hydrangea should be insulated.
It is noteworthy that the hardiness of garden hydrangeas increases over time.
Careful insulation is required for young one- or two-year-old seedlings. Usually plants are covered with pine needles, shredded tree bark, straw or sawdust.
This post is really informative! I was not aware of the many benefits that hydrangea airlie sensacion has to offer. It’s great to know that this variety can be used for a range of decorations, from bouquets to large arrangements. Thanks for sharing this valuable information!