What kinds of begonias are there?

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Florists grow begonias in rooms, greenhouses, and outdoor flower beds. The herbaceous plant has conquered every continent except Australia. Types of begonia and their hybrids are so diverse that it allows you to pick an appropriate specimen for any office or apartment, cottage or balcony.

Varieties of begonias

In floriculture, there are different types of begonias according to the type of root system, the shape of the above-ground part of the plant, the predominance of decorative foliage or flowers. Also in a separate species are allocated garden begonias, adapted to growing in open beds in temperate climates.

Depending on the form of the roots begonias are divided into:

  • Tuberous;
  • Rhizomatous.

The vegetative development of most tuberous begonias includes a dormant phase. The leaves of indoor plants wither up after the summer flowering is over.

After a short break, tuberous begonias again enter the phase of active growth and quickly build up the green part.

Tuberous begonias delight the eye with beautiful flowers throughout the summer and the first half of autumn.

The peculiarity of this species is that the leaves grow directly from a thick creeping root. This group includes most ornamental-leaved species with inconspicuous flowers.

Rhizomatous begonias do not need winter rest.

These indoor plants attract attention with their unusual coloring of large leaves.

The variety of structure of the above-ground part of indoor begonias allows you to distinguish the species:

  • Shrubby;
  • Reeded.

Shrubby begonias, regardless of the decorative nature of the leaves or flowers, form a compact above-ground part.

Often the large foliage of bush begonias clumps together, hiding much of the vase from view.

The height of begonias of this group varies from 20 to 50 centimeters, depending on the species, lighting conditions, peculiarities of agrotechnics.

Cane begonias are distinguished by a high upright stem.

It is not uncommon for the plant to produce several stems at once in the same vase, which increases the decorative value of the plant.

The height of the stems of cane begonias varies from 50 centimeters to one meter, depending on the species, cultivation technology, light intensity.

Florists divide species of indoor plants according to the predominance of decorative qualities.

According to this type, begonias are distinguished:

  • Ornamental-flowering;
  • Ornamental and deciduous.

Decorative-flowering begonias have unremarkable leathery leaves. The size of the leaf plates varies from five to ten centimeters in diameter. Entering the flowering phase, plants delight the eye with flowers in a wide range of colors and shapes.

Many ornamental-flowering begonias bloom in winter, which makes them stand out in green collections.

Florists have allocated a separate group of ornamental-leaved species, attracting the eye with large variegated foliage of various shapes, textures and colors.

Often begonias surprise by the contrasting coloration of the upper and lower surface of the leaf plate.

Often the leaves of these species have a mottled pattern and a pronounced border.

Garden begonias

Florists distinguish three species of begonias adapted to landscape design:

  • B. tubergybrida (tuberous begonia);
  • B. tubergybrida pendula;
  • B. semperflorens (ever-flowering begonia).

All of the garden begonias require greenhouse or indoor overwintering:

  1. B. tubergybrida (tuberous begonia) is a low-growing species with large flowers. The height of the plant is 30 centimeters. The diameter of the flowers varies from six to 21 centimeters. Flowering begins in early June and ends in mid-September. This species is widely used for landscaping in park areas.
  2. B. tubergybrida pendula is an ampelic plant. Dangling shoots with fine foliage are decorated with large flowers. This species is widely used for growing in hanging vases on outdoor terraces. Also ampelta begonia used in the garden landscaping slides.
  3. B. semperflorens unites a wide list of varieties. Low-growing bushes reach only 15 centimeters in height. The ever-flowering begonia delights the eye with caps of small flowers. Widely used for landscaping urban squares and parks because of the simple agrotechnics, high endurance, long flowering period.

Begonias indoor are not adapted to growing in the open air, although they respond positively to summer vacations on a glazed balcony. Almost all begonias of indoor species should be protected from the searing rays of the midday sun, draughts.

Ornamental-leaved begonias

Species with decorative foliage do not have a stem as such. Long petioles of large leaves grow from the buds of a thick creeping root. Indoor plants of this group are attracted by the beauty of large leaves of the most diverse shape and color. The most common in green collections are:

  • Begonia royalis;
  • Begonia metallicus;
  • Begonia Bauer;
  • Begonia Mason;
  • Begonia Cleopatra;
  • Collar Legonia;
  • Begonia large-leafed.

The leaves of these species have an intricate leaf pattern with contrasting flecks.

  • Begonia royalis. The hybrid species deservedly carries the name royal begonia due to the bright coloring of the leaves of rounded shape with serrated edges. Often the size of the leaf plate reaches 30 centimeters. The color of the leaves varies from purple to purple. Bright green, white or silvery borders decorate the edge of the leaves. The large leaves on long petioles close tightly together, concealing the creeping stem and flower vase.
  • Begonia metallica. Begonia metallica or metallica attracts attention with its glossy green leaves that reflect sunlight. The bright green leaves on long petioles have pronounced veins. This species has toothed elongated leaves that are shaped like maple leaves.
  • Begonia Bauer. Begonia Bauer or tiger begonia gets its second name for the spotted coloration of the glossy leaves. Long petioles sprouting directly from the creeping rhizome are crowned by small heart-shaped leaves. The colors range from brown to bright green with flecks of darker tones. The edges of the leaves are serrated, slightly curved.
  • Begonia Masona. Begonia Masona is of high decorative value because of its bubbly oval leaves with an unusual pattern. Five rays of dark brown color diverge from the center of the leaf plate. Against the bright green background, these rays look like a five-pointed cross. The length of the petioles can reach 15 centimeters, while the height of the begonia varies between 20-30 centimeters.
  • Begonia Cleopatra. The ornamentality of this begonia is due to the long petioles, densely pubescent with red tufts. The petioles carry large leaves, also pubescent only on the underside. The shape of the leaf plate resembles a maple. The surface of the leaves of Begonia Cleopatra have different texture and color on the upper and lower sides. The plant reveals the green glossy side, hiding the tufted intense red part. The bush reaches a height of 30-50 centimeters.
  • Begonia collared. The indoor plant gets its name from the dense tufted collar that surrounds the long stalk. Sometimes this species is called cuff begonia. Large bright green glossy heart-shaped leaves often reach 30 centimeters in diameter. Flowering of this species comes in the winter period. The flower stalks are up to 60 centimeters long. The bright pink small flowers are collected in graceful brushes.
  • Begonia large-leafed. Big-leaf begonia differs from its brethren by short tufted petioles, which are crowned by glossy round-shaped leaves. The densely pubescent underside of the leaf plate is intensely red in color. Large-leaved begonia at home reaches a height of 35-40 centimeters. Tightly closed leaves form a compact crown, hiding the flower vase.
  • Bush begonias. Indoor plants of this species have short branching stems that form many side shoots. The color, shape, size and color of the leaves of bush begonia varies widely and depends on the hybrid. Indoor plants are able to maintain year-round flowering with proper agrotechnics. The height of bushes ranges from ten centimeters to half a meter.

A large group of shrub begonias includes widely known species:

  • Begonia corallina (Begonia corallina);
  • Begonia fuchsioides (Begonia fuchsioides).
  • Begonia corallina. Begonia corallina has bare upright stems similar to that of a reed. The height of the stems varies from half a meter to one and a half meters and depends on growing conditions and light regime. The large, glossy, ovate leaves are arranged on long, slightly pubescent stalks. The coloring of the underside of the leaf plate is a darker shade. The small flowers are gathered in lush loose tassels on long peduncles.
  • Begonia fuchsia. Begonia fuchsia is eye-catching with a graceful combination of red stems and green foliage. The oval leaves of this species of begonia have a glossy surface. Flexible flower stalks hang down under the weight of bunches of red-colored flowers. The height of the bush reaches one meter.

Tuberous begonias

The main unifying difference of tuberous begonias is the structure of their root system. The stems of these begonias grow from a tuber. The height of the plants varies widely and can reach 80 centimeters. Tuberous begonias delight florists with a rich palette and diverse structure of flowers.The leaves of tuberous begonias can be glossy or pubescent, monochrome or mottled. Plants of this species are characterized by a long flowering phase, which begins in May and ends in October.

A numerous group of tuberous begonias brings together popular species:

  • Begonia picoti Harlequin;
  • Rosebudbegonia ;
  • Begonia dark red;
  • Begonia crispa marginata;
  • Ampelous begonias;
  • Begonia Boliviana.

All tuberous begonias bloom beautifully and form a compact bush.

  1. Begonia Picoti Harlequin. Begonia harlequin is a low spreading bush with large flowers. The height of the plant does not exceed 25 centimeters, while the diameter of the flowers is 12 centimeters. The yellow petals of the terry flowers have a thin bright red border. The green leaves are oblong in shape and have a serrated edge and pronounced veins.
  2. Begonia Rosebud”. This species gets its name from its beautiful rose-like flowers. The size of the flowers reaches 18 centimeters in diameter. The color range varies from pale pink to deep pink. The petals of the flowers have a beautiful red border. The begonia bush has large green leaves with serrated edges and white veins.
  3. Begonia dark red. The species attracts the attention of florists because of its original dark maroon flowers, remotely resembling a peony. The diameter of the flower does not exceed ten centimeters. Dark green glossy leaves advantageously set off the red terry flowers. Begonia forms a low spreading bush with dense foliage.
  4. Begonia Crispa marginata. Plants of this species form a low spreading bush with a height of 15 centimeters. Green leaves with toothed have a thin purple border and light veins. During the flowering period, the begonia throws a large number of small flowers with wavy petals. The colors range from yellow to pink with a wide red border around the edge of the petal.
  5. Ampelic begonias. Quite popular in indoor flowering, ampelous begonias have a tuberous root and belong to the group of tuberous begonias. Falling flexible stems of these species allow you to grow plants in hanging cachepots. Ampelic begonias have small green leaves and small flowers on long hanging peduncles. Colors range from red to bright yellow. The flowers are in loose clusters of three to five inflorescences.
  6. Begonia boliviana. This variety of begonia refers to ampelic plants. Initially, the specimen forms upright 30-centimeter shoots. Gradually, the growing shoots begin to descend downward, like a tiered cascade with tassels of small purple flowers around the edges.
  7. Begonias ornamental-flowering. The group of ornamental-flowering houseplants includes species with unusually beautiful flowers.

TheBegonia semperflorens (Begonia everflorens)hybrids have become the most widely known in home floriculture:

  • Baby Wing;
  • Ambassador;
  • Cocktail;
  1. Baby Wing. Begonias of these varieties are highly hardy. Plants maintain flowering even in bad weather. The grassy brown stems are covered with small oblong-shaped leaves. Leaf color varies from bright green to dark olive. Flowering begins in late May and lasts until late October. Flowers are small, gathered in small inflorescences. It responds beautifully to summer vacations outdoors.
  2. Ambassador. Indoor plants of this species are compact, abundantly flowering bushes. Small glossy oval-shaped leaves are hidden under a foam of small flowers with a yellow core and a red border. Small begonias bloom almost all year round with proper cultivation.
  3. Cocktail. The originality of this species is characterized by small glossy brick-colored leaves with pronounced veins. The height of the bushes does not exceed 20 centimeters. Blooms very abundantly with simple flowers with a yellow core.

Also, beautifully blooming species of begonia have gained particular popularity:

  • Elatior;
  • Gloire de Lorrain.
  1. Begonia Elatior. The inexperienced florist is unlikely to recognize this plant as a begonia, since the hybrid is obtained by crossing different species. The second name begonia winter theindoor plant received due to the ability to bloom year-round. The stems of the species are gathered into a compact bush, reaching up to 40 centimeters in height. Small rugged bright green leaves are almost invisible under an abundance of mahrovy flowers on long pedicels. Some subspecies of Begonia Elitior form stunted 25-mantimeter specimens. Flowers with a wavy toothed edge resemble a carnation.
  2. Begonia Gloire de Lorrain. The species has been known in indoor floriculture since the late 19th century. The indoor plant has gained wide popularity due to its continuous flowering. Begonia forms a compact bush with small glossy round-shaped leaves. The flowers are simple with a bright yellow core.

Begonias for novice flower growers

Many types of indoor plants are able to develop harmoniously with minimal requirements of care and cultivation in home conditions. It should be remembered that begonias with large leaves came to windowsills from tropical forests. Therefore, they need to be shaded from bright sunlight.

Small-leaved species with glossy, leathery leaves grow in open areas of hot climates. This explains their adaptation to growing in the open air. These begonias perfectly tolerate direct sunlight, spraying and temperature changes.

Also, care differs depending on the structure of the root system. Tuberous begonias are not susceptible to attack by rot. They should not be subjected to the test of overhead watering. Given the peculiar structure of the above-ground part of the plants, watering through the tray without excessive enthusiasm will be optimal. The fleshy, pubescent petioles of begonias easily rot from dampness or excessive submergence in the substrate.

A vegetable garden on a windowsill
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  1. Claudia Swanson

    This is a great article providing comprehensive information about the different types of begonias! I learned a lot and now know how to better distinguish between the various varieties. Thanks for sharing this valuable knowledge!
